Marketing Assignment


This last assignment is less structured than previous assignments to give you an opportunity to express your creativity. For each of the following datasets, you will construct a visualization that conveys a narrative or an idea using one or more charts and a map, all put together in a dashboard.

1. Nobel Dataset: Explore this dataset that contains historical data on Nobel awards won by Country and Discipline. Construct a visualization that conveys a narrative or an idea using one or more charts and a map, all put together in a dashboard.

2. New York City Restaurant Inspection: Explore this dataset that contains inspection and restaurant information for thousands of restaurants in New York city. Construct a visualization that conveys a narrative or an idea using one or more charts and a map, all put together in a dashboard.

3. Math Olympiad data: Examine this dataset that contains information on performance in the math Olympiad over time and by country. Construct a visualization that conveys a narrative or an idea using one or more charts and a map, all put together in a dashboard.

Submission Guidelines 1. Save the Tableau file as a “Tableau Packaged Workbook.” File  Save As and then change file format to “Tableau Packaged Workbook”. The resulting file should have an extension .twbx. 2. Publish Dashboards for each dataset to Tableau public. 3. Submit the Tableau packaged workbook and URL for Tableau Public workbook.

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Marketing Assignment


This last assignment is less structured than previous assignments to give you an opportunity to express your creativity. For each of the following datasets, you will construct a visualization that conveys a narrative or an idea using one or more charts and a map, all put together in a dashboard.

1. Nobel Dataset: Explore this dataset that contains historical data on Nobel awards won by Country and Discipline. Construct a visualization that conveys a narrative or an idea using one or more charts and a map, all put together in a dashboard.

2. New York City Restaurant Inspection: Explore this dataset that contains inspection and restaurant information for thousands of restaurants in New York city. Construct a visualization that conveys a narrative or an idea using one or more charts and a map, all put together in a dashboard.

3. Math Olympiad data: Examine this dataset that contains information on performance in the math Olympiad over time and by country. Construct a visualization that conveys a narrative or an idea using one or more charts and a map, all put together in a dashboard.

Submission Guidelines 1. Save the Tableau file as a “Tableau Packaged Workbook.” File  Save As and then change file format to “Tableau Packaged Workbook”. The resulting file should have an extension .twbx. 2. Publish Dashboards for each dataset to Tableau public. 3. Submit the Tableau packaged workbook and URL for Tableau Public workbook.

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