Marketing Assignment


For the final project, you will perform various statistical analyses on a dataset created from a survey for the Valley Symphony Orchestra (VSO). The maximum length of your answers is two pages; after your answers, please paste the relevant SPSS output in an appendix by copying and pasting.

1. Independent Samples T-test on “Aware” (Heard about the Valley Symphony Orchestra through Word of Mouth) with “SpaEng” (native language) as the grouping factor (groups are 0=Spanish, 1=English)

a)What are the null and alternative hypotheses specific to this problem?

b)What is the t-value?

c) What is the corresponding p-value?

d)What’s the conclusion in technical terms? “Given that the p-value was greater/less than α (.05), I reject/fail to reject the null hypothesis” e)If there’s a statistical difference, who is more aware and by how much? Look at the means

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Marketing Assignment


For the final project, you will perform various statistical analyses on a dataset created from a survey for the Valley Symphony Orchestra (VSO). The maximum length of your answers is two pages; after your answers, please paste the relevant SPSS output in an appendix by copying and pasting.

1. Independent Samples T-test on “Aware” (Heard about the Valley Symphony Orchestra through Word of Mouth) with “SpaEng” (native language) as the grouping factor (groups are 0=Spanish, 1=English)

a)What are the null and alternative hypotheses specific to this problem?

b)What is the t-value?

c) What is the corresponding p-value?

d)What’s the conclusion in technical terms? “Given that the p-value was greater/less than α (.05), I reject/fail to reject the null hypothesis” e)If there’s a statistical difference, who is more aware and by how much? Look at the means

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