Marketing Assignment

  1. Introduction and Background

1.1. Basis of the Report

A feasibility study is an investigation that takes all of a project factors into one account which includes economic, technical, legal and scheduling considerations to make sure the project is completed successfully. Project managers use this study to determine the pros and cons of undertaking the project before they spend a lot of time and money into building a new project. A feasibility study can provide the company management with important information to prevent the company from entering without knowing anything and getting into a risky business (“Consider a Feasibility Study,”2010).

1.2 Scope of this Report

This report details our concept of the Hydro Games and how we intend to make this a fun, innovative event.

In Section 2 we define our concept, goals, and objectives. We also identify the key stakeholders and clearly underline the concept outline.

In Section 3 we broke this down into the main parts of the event such as  ticketing and registration strategies, staffing and staging, entertainment, security, recording, timeline and running order, food and beverage menu, room layout and equipment requirements.

In Section 4 is where we identify our venue, our venue services and access and also we discuss why we chose this venue.

In Section 5 this is where we identify our target markets, the reasons for choosing this target market and also what is the communication with the target market.

In the last section we discussed the competitor analysis where the direct, indirect and the list of competitors

1.3 Limitations of this Report

As with any event taking place few limitations must be considered. The key areas to mention are funding, venue availability.


New Zealand is very environmentally friendly and different locations have different restrictions for hosting events and placing infrastructure in the water.

The Event Outline

 2.1. The Event Concept

Hydro Games 2021 is an obstacle race course type of event that is on the water which includes a lot of fun and unique obstacles similar to the hit TV series ‘Wipeout’ it can be challenging but is also a lot of fun and you need to complete the whole obstacle within a certain time. There is a time limit for each obstacle and if they fall or do a challenge the wrong way,  time delay will occur and you will move on to the next part of the course and when the time is up, they must stop on where they are. While the participants are finishing the obstacles, supporters will be watching along side while enjoying some nice cold beverages and dancing along with the music of our in house DJ and a lineup of locally known NZ acts aiming to attract any type of music genre.

The organizers of the event found that Hydro Games 2021 should be held on the first Saturday of February in 2021 which is on the 6th (Waitangi Day). This is the best time to do it because it is almost the end of summer and it’s a fun way to start the year right after settling back from a year-end holiday. It will be assembled on 350 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa on Orewa Beach. Since this is the first year that this event is happening in New Zealand, it would be cool to start it in Orewa as it is different from other locations where events have been held and it is still in Auckland so it will be an easy travel for most people.

The main target of this events are the young adults and families. There are two reasons why they are suitable participants for this event. First, young adults would be perfect since this event requires someone who is physically fit for them to be able to finish the challenge off and in terms of assessing the people who want to participate, the organizers will be able to gather a large number of participants from this. The organizers have also decided for families to compete in the games to add in a variety of people to compete and also to cater to more of a demographic. The second reason is to promote them that there is actually a different way to have fun and that staying active rather than being stuck in social media is a better option to be at while they are still young. This works with our entire generation as social media has taken over.

To emphasize this further, the focus of this event is to promote a different way to have fun for young adults and families to make them give new activities a go that they did not know they could achieve with their potential.

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Marketing Assignment

  1. Introduction and Background

1.1. Basis of the Report

A feasibility study is an investigation that takes all of a project factors into one account which includes economic, technical, legal and scheduling considerations to make sure the project is completed successfully. Project managers use this study to determine the pros and cons of undertaking the project before they spend a lot of time and money into building a new project. A feasibility study can provide the company management with important information to prevent the company from entering without knowing anything and getting into a risky business (“Consider a Feasibility Study,”2010).

1.2 Scope of this Report

This report details our concept of the Hydro Games and how we intend to make this a fun, innovative event.

In Section 2 we define our concept, goals, and objectives. We also identify the key stakeholders and clearly underline the concept outline.

In Section 3 we broke this down into the main parts of the event such as  ticketing and registration strategies, staffing and staging, entertainment, security, recording, timeline and running order, food and beverage menu, room layout and equipment requirements.

In Section 4 is where we identify our venue, our venue services and access and also we discuss why we chose this venue.

In Section 5 this is where we identify our target markets, the reasons for choosing this target market and also what is the communication with the target market.

In the last section we discussed the competitor analysis where the direct, indirect and the list of competitors

1.3 Limitations of this Report

As with any event taking place few limitations must be considered. The key areas to mention are funding, venue availability.


New Zealand is very environmentally friendly and different locations have different restrictions for hosting events and placing infrastructure in the water.

The Event Outline

 2.1. The Event Concept

Hydro Games 2021 is an obstacle race course type of event that is on the water which includes a lot of fun and unique obstacles similar to the hit TV series ‘Wipeout’ it can be challenging but is also a lot of fun and you need to complete the whole obstacle within a certain time. There is a time limit for each obstacle and if they fall or do a challenge the wrong way,  time delay will occur and you will move on to the next part of the course and when the time is up, they must stop on where they are. While the participants are finishing the obstacles, supporters will be watching along side while enjoying some nice cold beverages and dancing along with the music of our in house DJ and a lineup of locally known NZ acts aiming to attract any type of music genre.

The organizers of the event found that Hydro Games 2021 should be held on the first Saturday of February in 2021 which is on the 6th (Waitangi Day). This is the best time to do it because it is almost the end of summer and it’s a fun way to start the year right after settling back from a year-end holiday. It will be assembled on 350 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa on Orewa Beach. Since this is the first year that this event is happening in New Zealand, it would be cool to start it in Orewa as it is different from other locations where events have been held and it is still in Auckland so it will be an easy travel for most people.

The main target of this events are the young adults and families. There are two reasons why they are suitable participants for this event. First, young adults would be perfect since this event requires someone who is physically fit for them to be able to finish the challenge off and in terms of assessing the people who want to participate, the organizers will be able to gather a large number of participants from this. The organizers have also decided for families to compete in the games to add in a variety of people to compete and also to cater to more of a demographic. The second reason is to promote them that there is actually a different way to have fun and that staying active rather than being stuck in social media is a better option to be at while they are still young. This works with our entire generation as social media has taken over.

To emphasize this further, the focus of this event is to promote a different way to have fun for young adults and families to make them give new activities a go that they did not know they could achieve with their potential.

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