

Write a two page paper pertaining to this organization, its history, and their role in the criminal justice system. This document must follow APA format with a title page, in-text citations, and reference page. Tutor must be a native english speaker and writer of American English. I will not accept work that is not done by someone able to use american english at a Masters level! No Plagiarism will be accepted! I will be checking this by running it through several detection systems.

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Write a two page paper pertaining to this organization, its history, and their role in the criminal justice system. This document must follow APA format with a title page, in-text citations, and reference page. Tutor must be a native english speaker and writer of American English. I will not accept work that is not done by someone able to use american english at a Masters level! No Plagiarism will be accepted! I will be checking this by running it through several detection systems.

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