

working on a project dealing with global expansion of a US company into foreign new marketplace. I need to discuss the capital structure and which currency to use….what hedge techniques might be used to deal with foreign currency exchange rates… if the company has debt financing, from where or which currency you would get the debt financing. Once the company breaks even and starts making a profit, how would you manage the profit (i.e., need to invest for expansion for growth or because of restrictions on blocked funds, repatriate back to the mother company annually because you are not certain of the country and currency risk, etc.)?

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working on a project dealing with global expansion of a US company into foreign new marketplace. I need to discuss the capital structure and which currency to use….what hedge techniques might be used to deal with foreign currency exchange rates… if the company has debt financing, from where or which currency you would get the debt financing. Once the company breaks even and starts making a profit, how would you manage the profit (i.e., need to invest for expansion for growth or because of restrictions on blocked funds, repatriate back to the mother company annually because you are not certain of the country and currency risk, etc.)?

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