Market Structure and Strategy


Market Structure” and “Market Structure and Strategy”. Pick an industry with which you are familiar. Perhaps you have worked in the industry or you are a customer. Answer the following questions about your industry: a. What is its market structure–perfect competition, monopolistic competitive, oligopoly, pure monopoly? b. Based on your answer to a., what strategy do you suggest be adopted to increase profitability? Comment: The four market type model is a simplification. Few industries fall into one category exclusively, so in picking market structure, don’t let the perfect get in the way of the good.

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Market Structure and Strategy


Market Structure” and “Market Structure and Strategy”. Pick an industry with which you are familiar. Perhaps you have worked in the industry or you are a customer. Answer the following questions about your industry: a. What is its market structure–perfect competition, monopolistic competitive, oligopoly, pure monopoly? b. Based on your answer to a., what strategy do you suggest be adopted to increase profitability? Comment: The four market type model is a simplification. Few industries fall into one category exclusively, so in picking market structure, don’t let the perfect get in the way of the good.

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