
I’m providing videos on how to do the work with programs other than ArcMAP.  It’s your choice.  You can stick with that or do your work with a different program.  The results are the same and you should say in the text box on the lower right which program you used.

This week,  we will be looking into these topics:

  • Projecting geographic data into your local projection.
  • Making a new data frame, then showing two maps in your layout of the same place, one geographic and the other projected
  • Making a map with an inset of the larger area with your area of interest shown.  Geographic might be easier for you this week.
  • How to make a file and person geodatabase in ArcCatalog
  • How to use the measurement tools to determine distance and area
  • How to make a new field and to use the field calculator.
  • How to move the basemap credits around.
  • How to make halos around your labels so they can be seen more easily
    Then, for grading:

1. A PDF of a layout showing both the unprojected and projected maps at the same scale.  Please include:

  • All appropriate marginalia, include a general title for the comparison and scales for each of the data frames.
  • Distinguish which is projected and which is geographic in subtitles within the frames.  (note: The projected will be skinnier.)

2. A PDF of a map of your area and the inset that shows the larger area (example:  a map of Norwalk would have Connecticut as the inset area).   Please use data from your home area.

These two maps should be submitted under Activities, Discussions, Maps 2 and 3 by February 11 at 11:59 p.m.
Remember that I have office hours on M/W from 10-1ish.  I can do Zooms then.  This Friday, I’ll hold the afternoon Zoom open office hours, but if nobody emails me that they want to meet, I’ll just go for a long walk instead. 

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I’m providing videos on how to do the work with programs other than ArcMAP.  It’s your choice.  You can stick with that or do your work with a different program.  The results are the same and you should say in the text box on the lower right which program you used.

This week,  we will be looking into these topics:

  • Projecting geographic data into your local projection.
  • Making a new data frame, then showing two maps in your layout of the same place, one geographic and the other projected
  • Making a map with an inset of the larger area with your area of interest shown.  Geographic might be easier for you this week.
  • How to make a file and person geodatabase in ArcCatalog
  • How to use the measurement tools to determine distance and area
  • How to make a new field and to use the field calculator.
  • How to move the basemap credits around.
  • How to make halos around your labels so they can be seen more easily
    Then, for grading:

1. A PDF of a layout showing both the unprojected and projected maps at the same scale.  Please include:

  • All appropriate marginalia, include a general title for the comparison and scales for each of the data frames.
  • Distinguish which is projected and which is geographic in subtitles within the frames.  (note: The projected will be skinnier.)

2. A PDF of a map of your area and the inset that shows the larger area (example:  a map of Norwalk would have Connecticut as the inset area).   Please use data from your home area.

These two maps should be submitted under Activities, Discussions, Maps 2 and 3 by February 11 at 11:59 p.m.
Remember that I have office hours on M/W from 10-1ish.  I can do Zooms then.  This Friday, I’ll hold the afternoon Zoom open office hours, but if nobody emails me that they want to meet, I’ll just go for a long walk instead. 

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There are three maps for you to upload on this discussion board this week.

Georeference an old map to current data
Show how you can use the selection features to analyze relationships between features.
Buffers.  In the past, our student have identified food deserts in various cities.  For something like that, you’d have to compile addresses of food stores and types (supermarket, bodega, gas station quick food, etc.)

While I provide some data, it’s better for you to find your own data.  For the old or paper maps, you might be able to find an historic map of your town or a place you have visited.

There are many historical maps that provide information for preservation or other actions.  My students have worked with old maps for many years.  Some of the maps are well over 100 years old and prove to be very well done.  Mapmakers have always been valued and skilled.

Using your own data will provide the most meaning for you.  If you don’t have anything handy, you will be able to search through these two sites:

Westchester County:  They say it’s not secure, but it is.  Look for the maps from the 1867 atlas for maps for several Westchester and NYC maps.

The Library of Congress has a lot of historical maps.

I found Westchester maps here:

The University of Texas is also a great place to start looking for maps.

attaching pdf for reference

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