Management Information Systems

The following website has information on the SIMATIC IT Preactor software: 


1) Explain in your own words the capabilities of the software. Have there been any success stories of companies using it? Are there similar products from competitors and how do these compare as far as capabilities are concerned? (700 words)

2) Give an overview of E-commerce, M-commerce and E-business. Discuss how companies that work using the E-business model can obtain a competitive advantage in relation to traditional businesses. Explain how traditional companies can implement the E-business

model while keeping their traditional status. Also discuss how a traditional business can fully convert to an E-Business (dropping its traditional status). Analyse the benefits of E-commerce for the customers of such business. (1000 words)

3) Read the case study for Assignment 2 and answer the following:

a) What were the concerns of the New York City cabbies over the new use of the new system? Were their concerns justified and why or why not?

b) If you were the manager of the New York City’s Taxi & Limousine Commission, what would you have done to create a smoother transition to the new system?

c) Many cabbies expressed the opinion that the technology being installed in their cabs was inevitable, no matter what their opinion. Do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not?

d) As a customer of a cab service, would you appreciate the benefits provided by the new system in New York City? Would it help provide you with a favourable view of the city in general? List the benefits and provide your view of each. (800 words)

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