Literature Review


Literature Review


At Master’s level you are expected to go beyond simple description and basic theory. You must demonstrate that you have critically examined and analysed your topics and relevant theories and have developed your own original arguments and ideas.

Focus on demonstrating that you understand the implications of what you have learned and why these imp0lications are significant for you, your host organisation, and your field; not just that you have understood the core components of your research topics.

You can do this in many ways, for example, by comparing and contrasting, discussing advantages and disadvantages of your topics, or pointing out disparities between the literature and what you observe in practice. The sample questions below might help you develop your arguments:

o   How do my findings and placement experiences contribute to the existing body of knowledge in my chosen field?

o   How did the theoretical research (models, theories, frameworks etc) play out in the real world?

o   What can other firms or the industry learn from my findings?

Remember, you are becoming experts in your field now so we expect you to be able to demonstrate it!!

Format of report

  • Main body 12 point font
  • 1.5 line spacing
  • 2.5cm margins all around
  • page numbers
  • Not less than 7,000 words
  • Provide appendices and reference list (not included in word count)
  • APA referencing  style


Report on the research topics you investigated (7000 words Total)
Topic 1 (approx. 4000 words); Topic 2 and 3 (1500 words each)

  • why you wanted to investigate these topics
  • what you discovered for each
  • how they related to your work duties, or if they did not, how they could apply to your host organisation or its industry
  • what lessons could your host organisation and that industry learn from your findings
  • what other resources you used to guide your research for each
  • how many hours you spent on each topic
  • whether you met your assessment goals for this research
  • possible research gaps or future research agendas

Suggested Report Structure: Critical Literature Review

These are a guideline only, and open to interpretation. If your research is into a topic on behalf of your organisation, then this structure might not be appropriate for you.


It is very difficult to give you a specific structure, as all of you have different research projects. The expectation (see the guidelines) is that you are researching topics related to your industry experience and comparing theory with practice.


You will follow this format for each of your three SEPARATE reports. Do not write a single report with the topics all jumbled together.

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Literature Review


Literature Review


At Master’s level you are expected to go beyond simple description and basic theory. You must demonstrate that you have critically examined and analysed your topics and relevant theories and have developed your own original arguments and ideas.

Focus on demonstrating that you understand the implications of what you have learned and why these imp0lications are significant for you, your host organisation, and your field; not just that you have understood the core components of your research topics.

You can do this in many ways, for example, by comparing and contrasting, discussing advantages and disadvantages of your topics, or pointing out disparities between the literature and what you observe in practice. The sample questions below might help you develop your arguments:

o   How do my findings and placement experiences contribute to the existing body of knowledge in my chosen field?

o   How did the theoretical research (models, theories, frameworks etc) play out in the real world?

o   What can other firms or the industry learn from my findings?

Remember, you are becoming experts in your field now so we expect you to be able to demonstrate it!!

Format of report

  • Main body 12 point font
  • 1.5 line spacing
  • 2.5cm margins all around
  • page numbers
  • Not less than 7,000 words
  • Provide appendices and reference list (not included in word count)
  • APA referencing  style


Report on the research topics you investigated (7000 words Total)
Topic 1 (approx. 4000 words); Topic 2 and 3 (1500 words each)

  • why you wanted to investigate these topics
  • what you discovered for each
  • how they related to your work duties, or if they did not, how they could apply to your host organisation or its industry
  • what lessons could your host organisation and that industry learn from your findings
  • what other resources you used to guide your research for each
  • how many hours you spent on each topic
  • whether you met your assessment goals for this research
  • possible research gaps or future research agendas

Suggested Report Structure: Critical Literature Review

These are a guideline only, and open to interpretation. If your research is into a topic on behalf of your organisation, then this structure might not be appropriate for you.


It is very difficult to give you a specific structure, as all of you have different research projects. The expectation (see the guidelines) is that you are researching topics related to your industry experience and comparing theory with practice.


You will follow this format for each of your three SEPARATE reports. Do not write a single report with the topics all jumbled together.

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