

Journal # 5 – Due Thursday, June 25th.

Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced.


Assigned topics:  1) You should write a self-evaluation of your work this semester.  Look back on your goals from journal #1.  Did you accomplish some or all of your goals?  Why or why not?  Could you have done some things differently to help you accomplish your goals?  Did you show initiative?  Assess your work.  Did you perform the work well?  How did you interact with your co-workers?  What did you learn about your work habits and/or learning style?




My goals were to learn about trademarks and e-sports at a boutique gaming company.  Its similar to FAZe Clan.


I was able to submit trademark applications and learn about e-sports and technology and the law.


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Journal # 5 – Due Thursday, June 25th.

Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced.


Assigned topics:  1) You should write a self-evaluation of your work this semester.  Look back on your goals from journal #1.  Did you accomplish some or all of your goals?  Why or why not?  Could you have done some things differently to help you accomplish your goals?  Did you show initiative?  Assess your work.  Did you perform the work well?  How did you interact with your co-workers?  What did you learn about your work habits and/or learning style?




My goals were to learn about trademarks and e-sports at a boutique gaming company.  Its similar to FAZe Clan.


I was able to submit trademark applications and learn about e-sports and technology and the law.


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