Lab Assignment 1: Beginning HTML

Lab Assignment 1: Beginning HTML
Due Week 2 and worth 40 points
Deliverable: One (1) Web page (.htm)
Complete the weekly lab based on the following:
  • Write the code for each lab assignment.
  • The code is to be submitted in a single compressed folder (zip file) to the online course shell. The file must contain all .htm files, along with any other files that may be necessary for your project to run (ex: text files, images, etc.).
  • When saving the file, it should be saved as Lab_#_Last name_First initial.htm. For example, if your name is Mary Smith the file for Lab 1 should be saved as Lab_1_Smith_M.htm
  • Any and all written answers must be entered into the online course shell with the submission of the attached lab assignment.
Follow the directions below to complete Lab Assignment 1:

1. Using Notepad, or a similar text editor, create an .htm file that:a. displays your name and the text “ Hello World!”b. displays your name in the titlebar of the browser.

2. Declare the DOCTYPE for HTML5 and create a comment listing the lab number, the author, and the date.
3. After the text “Hello World!” write five (5) lines of code demonstrating headers 1 through 5. The text should identify what you are displaying. Next, write two (2) lines of regular text.
4. Create:

a. an ordered list with three (3) line items.b. an unordered list with three (3) line items.c. a line of BOLD text.d. a line of italicized text.e. a line of underlined text.5. All page tags should be appropriately opened and closed using the correct tags.  

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