Java Programming

  1. This lab continues the Zuul project.Make a copy of your Lab 1 Zuul project folder (e.g., the folder named LastName-zuul1) and save it as LastName-zuul, using your last name, e.g., Smith-zuul.
  2. Set up a Git repository for your Zuul project by following the instructions Set Up a Repository for a Project. (Start following along at 0:25 in the video since you already have an existing project.)
  3. In Git, create a branch called ‘zuul2-refactoring’ and move onto the branch. You will do all your work for this lab on this branch, committing after each exercise.git branch zuul2-refactoring git checkout zuul2-refactoring
  4. Complete Exercises 6e: 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.11 .
  5. After each exercise:
    1. Test your program. The changes you make in these exercises are refactorings and should not change the behavior of the game. After each step make sure everything still works as it did before.
    2. Don’t forget to document your changes.
      • For any changed classes, be sure your name is in the @author list and update the version.
      • As you add and update methods make sure each method has a comment header that correctly describes its behavior using javadoc, including @param and @return tags.
    3. When an exercise is complete, commit your changes in Git with a commit message indicating the exercise you just completed as well as a brief description of the changes you made. For example:git add . git commit -m”Completed exercise 8.5 – extracted method printLocationInfo”
      It is critical that you commit after each exercise so that all exercises can be graded. Later exercises change the code from earlier exercises, and the instructor will be able to grade the early exercises by looking back in your commit history.
  6. When you have completed all the exercises, make sure your branch is clean. (When you do ‘git status’ it should say “On branch zuul2-refactoring. nothing to commit, working tree clean”)
  7. Merge your branch into the master:git checkout master git merge zuul2-refactoring
  8. Create a zip file of your entire project folder, and name it

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