Information Systems homework help

Forms are often used on business Websites to collect data of various kinds (sales, memberships, mailing lists, etc.). The quality of the data is vital to the success of the business and its ability to use the data appropriately. Using JavaScript for form validation is one line of defense. Validation is often applied to check for a valid zip code, phone number, or product number. Another way JavaScript is applied in a form is to make entering the data easier (hint: focus).

For this thread, select two of the following potential form fields and write the JavaScript you would use to validate or make the data entry easier for the visitor:

  • U.S. phone number
  • Zip + 4
  • Social Security Number
  • A section that asks for the following:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Street Address
    • City
    • State
    • Zip Code
  • Ordering a sweater that comes in any of the following colors:
    • Black
    • White
    • Gray
    • Blue
    • Red
  • Flesh out your thoughts and interact with your classmates.  Post your initial response by Wednesday each week and then return on a couple of other days to see what’s going on with the discussions.  The more you interact, the more you learn from your peers, and the more you share with them about what you know.  You’ll also be showing your instructor what you’ve picked up.

Dear All,

As you probably have learned so far, when we say an application is a client-server, that means you have the server side where all computing is happening and the client-side where the user interacts with the web page. The client-side gives the users the ability to interact with data and back-end (server-side.)

One of the areas users interact with is the form. You must have seen 100s of them. When you try to register to a website, fill out a form, purchase an item online, etc. These are all examples of end-users attempting to interact with the server-side by filling out a form and sending it to the back-end.

Imagine that you miss typing a field, or enter a wrong data in a field, or leave an important field blank, what will happen in this case? Form submits the data to the back-end, data travels through the Internet to the server, the server runs a program to check the data and make sure everything is correct and if it finds an issue, then sends back the page with proper error messages and asks you to fix them before you resubmit. Looking at this process, you will see that a lot of resources (bound-with, compute) and even time has been wasted, when you probably could have checked the data on the client-side and made sure everything is correct before you send them to the back-end.

This is the purpose of this week’s discussion. It is merely asking you to develop a simple HTML page with a form in it. Pick two fields of your choice, and place them on the page you just developed. And they write a javascript code to do the data validation on these two fields.
For example:

If you choose the first name and zip code. Data validation should be;
1. none of the fields can be empty. This means you have to have something typed there.
2. For zip code, you should have at least five digits

Before, you would be able to click on the submit button and send it back to the server.

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