Information Systems homework help

A new owner has purchased Swagger Distribution Company, a company that distributes clothing and apparel. She does not have experience with IT-related problem solving, so she is contracting you, as an IT consultant, to help.

For Milestone Two, you will submit a document summarizing the networking configuration of the distribution company and suggesting web technologies for the company’s new website.


Networking: There are two possible configurations for Swagger Distribution’s network, a wired version and a wireless version. From the provided visual representation of the wired configuration ( summarize the connection and use this to create and describe a Visio diagram to represent a wireless networking configuration appropriate for the company. Provide a screenshot of the Visio diagram of the wireless configuration to accompany the description. Use IT terminology learned during the networking module.


Web Technologies: Swagger Distribution is in the process of designing a new website using HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language). Summarize at least 10 key components of a potential website that would effectively address the company’s needs. You will not need to write any code, but ensure that you use the terminology discussed during the web technologies module. Include as much detail as possible. You will provide two practical suggestions for a quality website. Identify an example of a website that demonstrates the two features you are recommending (you can provide two websites if you cannot find one that has both). Provide a visual representation with screenshots showing the two features.

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