Information Systems homework help

Chapter 26: Bim Consultants Inc.

Please address the questions below.

1. What is your assessment of the situation?

2. What advice would you provide to the board of Bim Consultants?

3. What pitfalls should they be concerned with?




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Chapter 27: Nerds Galore

Please address the questions below.

1. This is a relatively brief case study; yet the problems faced are quite complex. In your workshop, how did you handle uncertainty in the information you have been given and how does this translate into real-world workshops where not all the answers can necessarily be given at the table?

2. What were some of the risk sources that emerged repeatedly in evaluating the risks? How is this helpful?

3. How would this risk assessment aid in the decision on whether or not to proceed with the new HR strategy?




Chapter 28: The Reluctant General Counsel

Please address the questions below.

1. What are Jason’s options? Can he accept a risk management program that does not involve the legal department?

2. Do you agree with George’s arguments? Are they valid?

3. How would you proceed, if you were the risk officer?





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Chapter 29: Transforming Risk Management at Akawini Copper 

Please address the questions below.

1. If you were conducting interviews of the Akawini management team so that you could draw objective conclusions for the review described in the chapter, what questions would you ask?

2. What would you expect to see in the first year risk management transformation plan? What would be the typical tasks?

3. You have been asked to advise the Akawini management team how they should promote and monitor the transformation of risk management in their business. What performance measures would you recommend they use so that they can monitor progress and performance?





· API Format, No Plagiarism, You must also use a scholarly source

· As a reminder, you must list every reference that you used to build your response then cite every reference within every sentence that you used it with a properly APA formatted citation (ABC, 2019). Citation is author last name and year.Bottom of FormBottom of Form

· You have to answer every question, No word limit. I need the answers for each and every question separately with citations matched to the references.

· Provide the answers in a word doc file for chap 26 27 28 29, like question and answers for all the questions.

· I need the answers for each and every question separately with citations matched to the references.




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