Information System Management

You will be submitting a PDF file that does NOT exceed 4 total pages. On the last of the max 4 page submission (i.e. the 4th page), include your screen shot that is obtained in step 3, below. Your submission is ONE PDF file. Again, max of 4 pages TOTAL. 

REQUIRED: be sure all of your responses have the number and letter corresponding to the questions, below. These responses should be 1-3 pages , so that your screen shot is your last page. 4 maximum pages total (when including the screen shot page)

To complete this assignment, you will first need to read the following on “What is 5G?”:

1. Name and section TIME (11a, 2p, 3:30p, or 6p).

2. Write a paragraph that is 6-7 sentences  no more, no less (yes I will deduct!). You are to summarize the article regarding 5G and include your own thoughts. DO NOT SIMPLY REGURGITATE THE ARTICLE (i.e. do not plagiarize). Any word stream pulled directly from the article, containing 8 words or more, must be in quotes. Be sure your thoughts are SPECIFIC and supported.

3. Think of ONE WORD or SHORT PHRASE that reflect(s) the content of what you wrote, above in #2. You are limited to a total of 10 characters. What is that word or short phrase? This will be your hashtag. Hashtags are used in twitter to help you search for specific topics. The hashtag should only include alphabetic characters and no spaces. “Twitter experts” recommend that these keywords should be 6 characters maximum. This is a true challenge! For this assignment, we’re going to limit the hashtag to a maximum of 10 characters after the #,  for example: #nomoreruns or #technology . For your response to this (#3), write your hashtag.

4. Next: You will write a “tweet” (on this assignment – i.e. not a real tweet on twitter) that summarizes what YOU just wrote, above in #2. Be very careful in trying to incorporate as much of your summary in your tweet while also making sure that it is/are (a) coherent statement(s). Typos and poor grammar will cause deductions. You are limited to a total of 140 characters maximum for your tweet with your hashag, above from #3. The 140 includes any and all punctuation including spaces and your hashtag word/phrase. For your response to this (#4), simply write your tweet and hashtag. For the next questions, I will simply refer to this as the tweet.

5. Using an online tool such as, cut and paste your entire tweet to confirm that it is less than or equal to 140 characters. Take a screen shot. Be sure I can READ  your screen shot. You will submit the screen shot as your last page (the 4th page) of the PDF (REQUIRED). For your response to this (#5), write how many actual characters and what tool you used to confirm, e.g.  “128 characters confirmed using


6. Next, find emojis, that clearly represent what you just wrote above in #4 (your tweet). Print it/them here. You should be able to find online and insert the image(s).

7. For this last response, find a friend or family member, preferably in a different generation than you. (A digital immigrant is preferred, but if you are “older”, you may use a child, for example). ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS, and label, 7. a-e.

a. What is their full name (first and last names) and age (rough estimate is fine, if you do not know the accurate age, such as “in her forties”).

b. Starting with your answer to #6, show them ONLY the emoji(s). Ask them what they think it represents / what the message is you are trying to convey. DO NOT HELP THEM, rather just write down EXACTLY what they say. This can be a few sentences.

c. Next, show them the tweet that you wrote for #5. ONLY the tweet. Now ask them what they think the tweet represents/says. ONLY the tweet. Again, DO NOT HELP THEM or say anything about the emoji(s). Just write down EXACTLY what they say about the tweet. Again, keep this response short and to the point.

d. Now have them read the paragraph you wrote in #2. THEN, ask them to summarize your paragraph in a few sentences. WRITE THAT DOWN, EXACTLY.

e. Have them NOW look at / read the article you read for this assignment.  Looking at all of the responses that you wrote down to b, c, and d AND after they now have read the actual article, ASK your friend that is helping you, if they believe the emoji(s), tweet, and paragraph all communicate the EXACT same message as the article.  Not generally speaking. EXACTLY. Write down yes or no then write down EXACTLY what they say – explaining why or why not. Be specific – simply a “sure I can see what you’re saying” is not valid here. EXACT message…. Or can something be misunderstood or part of the message is lost in viewing just emojiis compared to the paragraph, for example.

8. YOUR assessment of this assignment…. Answer the following:

a. Was your message EXACTLY the same in all instances, as understood by your friend? Explain with specifics.

b. Do you believe the fact that I ask that this person be OLDER (preferably) or from a different generation is a factor? Why or why not? Support your answer with specifics.

c. Do you believe if you used a friend that was in your generation, that the messages would be EXACTLY the same in all? In other words, no part of your message would be lost or misunderstood. Why or why not? Support your answer with specifics.

d. Do you believe that each of these items (paragraph, tweet, emojis) can replace / clearly summarize what was in the original article? Why or why not? Is anything missing?


You will be submitting a PDF file that does NOT exceed 4 total pages. On the last of the max 4 page submission (i.e. the 4th page), include your screen shot that is obtained in step 3, below. Your submission is ONE PDF file. Again, max of 4 pages TOTAL.

REQUIRED: be sure all of your responses have the number and letter corresponding to the questions, below. These responses should be 1-3 pages , so that your screen shot is your last page. 4 maximum pages total (when including the screen shot page)

To complete this assignment, you will first need to read the following on “What is 5G?”:

1. Name and section TIME (11a, 2p, 3:30p, or 6p).

2. Write a paragraph that is 6-7 sentences  no more, no less (yes I will deduct!). You are to summarize the article regarding 5G and include your own thoughts. DO NOT SIMPLY REGURGITATE THE ARTICLE (i.e. do not plagiarize). Any word stream pulled directly from the article, containing 8 words or more, must be in quotes. Be sure your thoughts are SPECIFIC and supported.

3. Think of ONE WORD or SHORT PHRASE that reflect(s) the content of what you wrote, above in #2. You are limited to a total of 10 characters. What is that word or short phrase? This will be your hashtag. Hashtags are used in twitter to help you search for specific topics. The hashtag should only include alphabetic characters and no spaces. “Twitter experts” recommend that these keywords should be 6 characters maximum. This is a true challenge! For this assignment, we’re going to limit the hashtag to a maximum of 10 characters after the #,  for example: #nomoreruns or #technology . For your response to this (#3), write your hashtag.

4. Next: You will write a “tweet” (on this assignment – i.e. not a real tweet on twitter) that summarizes what YOU just wrote, above in #2. Be very careful in trying to incorporate as much of your summary in your tweet while also making sure that it is/are (a) coherent statement(s). Typos and poor grammar will cause deductions. You are limited to a total of 140 characters maximum for your tweet with your hashag, above from #3. The 140 includes any and all punctuation including spaces and your hashtag word/phrase. For your response to this (#4), simply write your tweet and hashtag. For the next questions, I will simply refer to this as the tweet.

5. Using an online tool such as, cut and paste your entire tweet to confirm that it is less than or equal to 140 characters. Take a screen shot. Be sure I can READ  your screen shot. You will submit the screen shot as your last page (the 4th page) of the PDF (REQUIRED). For your response to this (#5), write how many actual characters and what tool you used to confirm, e.g.  “128 characters confirmed using


6. Next, find emojis, that clearly represent what you just wrote above in #4 (your tweet). Print it/them here. You should be able to find online and insert the image(s).

7. For this last response, find a friend or family member, preferably in a different generation than you. (A digital immigrant is preferred, but if you are “older”, you may use a child, for example). ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS, and label, 7. a-e.

a. What is their full name (first and last names) and age (rough estimate is fine, if you do not know the accurate age, such as “in her forties”).

b. Starting with your answer to #6, show them ONLY the emoji(s). Ask them what they think it represents / what the message is you are trying to convey. DO NOT HELP THEM, rather just write down EXACTLY what they say. This can be a few sentences.

c. Next, show them the tweet that you wrote for #5. ONLY the tweet. Now ask them what they think the tweet represents/says. ONLY the tweet. Again, DO NOT HELP THEM or say anything about the emoji(s). Just write down EXACTLY what they say about the tweet. Again, keep this response short and to the point.

d. Now have them read the paragraph you wrote in #2. THEN, ask them to summarize your paragraph in a few sentences. WRITE THAT DOWN, EXACTLY.

e. Have them NOW look at / read the article you read for this assignment.  Looking at all of the responses that you wrote down to b, c, and d AND after they now have read the actual article, ASK your friend that is helping you, if they believe the emoji(s), tweet, and paragraph all communicate the EXACT same message as the article.  Not generally speaking. EXACTLY. Write down yes or no then write down EXACTLY what they say – explaining why or why not. Be specific – simply a “sure I can see what you’re saying” is not valid here. EXACT message…. Or can something be misunderstood or part of the message is lost in viewing just emojiis compared to the paragraph, for example.

8. YOUR assessment of this assignment…. Answer the following:

a. Was your message EXACTLY the same in all instances, as understood by your friend? Explain with specifics.

b. Do you believe the fact that I ask that this person be OLDER (preferably) or from a different generation is a factor? Why or why not? Support your answer with specifics.

c. Do you believe if you used a friend that was in your generation, that the messages would be EXACTLY the same in all? In other words, no part of your message would be lost or misunderstood. Why or why not? Support your answer with specifics.

d. Do you believe that each of these items (paragraph, tweet, emojis) can replace / clearly summarize what was in the original article? Why or why not? Is anything missing?


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