Individual digital marketing

Individual digital marketing report Students should pick a real business example and use SOSTAC and other digitalmarketing modelsto develop a digital marketing review & plan.

Structure of the assignment:

1. Executive summary

2. Introduction: a. Introduce the company (Any company of your choice)

3. Situation analysis summary

4. Objectives

5. Segmentation Target Positioning

6. Choose one persona for showing (create a persona using xtensio or hubspot template)

7. The persona journey

8. Media plan discussion

9. Media schedule

10. Budget and KPIS (if not in-depth, atleast mention approx.. budgets)


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Individual digital marketing

Individual digital marketing report Students should pick a real business example and use SOSTAC and other digitalmarketing modelsto develop a digital marketing review & plan.

Structure of the assignment:

1. Executive summary

2. Introduction: a. Introduce the company (Any company of your choice)

3. Situation analysis summary

4. Objectives

5. Segmentation Target Positioning

6. Choose one persona for showing (create a persona using xtensio or hubspot template)

7. The persona journey

8. Media plan discussion

9. Media schedule

10. Budget and KPIS (if not in-depth, atleast mention approx.. budgets)


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