Incorporating Evidence Into Care For The Client With An Obstetrical Complication

Incorporating Evidence into Care for the Client with an Obstetrical Complication New advances are constantly becoming standardized treatment for disorders in all fields. Nurses, as well as others, must incorporate these findings into interventions when delivering care. As an example, the Joint Commission has described an initiative addressing the fact that the United States ranks 65th among industrialized nations in terms of maternal death because of poor outcomes, The Joint Commission evaluated expert literature to determine what areas held the most potential impact. The literature review revealed that prevention, early recognition, and timely treatment for maternal hemorrhage and severe hypertension/preeclampsia had the most impact on decreasing complications. The Joint Commission has instituted 13 new elements of performance that will be required of accredited hospitals. Read the evidence reports that are presented in one of the articles listed below about either pre-eclampsia or (obstetric hemorrhage) For the complication that you select, identify three findings that expand the information beyond your textbook. An overview of obstetric hemorrhage Author links open overlay panelLisa M.Nathan Show more Add to Mendeley Share Cite rights and content Abstract Obstetric hemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in the world. Disparities in the prevalence of obstetric hemorrhage and its related mortality both on a global scale and locally in the United States indicate that a significant proportion is preventable. In many parts of the world, including the United States, there has also been an unexplainable increase in rates of postpartum hemorrhage. Efforts should focus on implementing comprehensive hemorrhage toolkit/bundles, which research has shown may have the potential to reduce severe maternal morbidity from hemorrhage. Nathan, L. M. (2019). An overview of obstetric hemorrhage (Links to an external site.). Seminars in Perinatology, 43(1), 2–4. Posts need to be written in a professional manner. The content should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Professionals communicate using correct grammar and spelling. It is acceptable to use a grammar or spelling editor prior to submitting your post. Language that is disrespectful or discourteous is not acceptable. Your posts should be of sufficient length to answer the question, but information that is extraneous or irrelevant will not strengthen your post. (Please use all current nursing books ,references and U.S. references if possible). Obstetric hemorrhage

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