Illness & Disease Management Across Life Span

Week 4 Project

Study the resources in your community related to the illness group chosen in Week 1 (Attached). In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, describe the resources, including the following information:

· Identify and discuss a minimum of three community or national resources for your illness group preferably in your community.

· Include in your response all the information the patient should know about the services.

o Benefits

o Specific services they offer.

o Fee schedules, if and when appropriate.

o Criteria for eligibility.

o Application process.

o Availability of transportation.

· Discuss integration of these resources into a plan of care.

· Discuss potential advantages and disadvantages for vulnerable populations in seeking these resources.

Support your responses with examples and information from library resources, textbook and lectures.

· Papers are professional papers so you should use third person. Try not to use first or second person when completing. Review APA format.

Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.

On a separate references page, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. Support your work, using your course lectures and textbook readings. Helpful APA guides and resources are available in the University Online Library. Below are guides that are located in the library and can be accessed and downloaded via the University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page. The American Psychological Association website also provides detailed guidance on formatting, citations, and references at APA Style.

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