IFSM 301 – Strategic Plan Report Part 2

Please see the attached assignment, along with the case study, previous assignment, and course resources. Please follow the assignment details very carefully – using the case study and a lot of the course resources.  Must include APA in-text citations and bibliography.

If you have questions or unsure of something about the assignment, please ask.

· In the ITSP #2 assignment, you are preparing the second assignment which also will include ITSP #1 and the feedback provided on the graded copy and scoring rubric. This should be added to the ITSP #2 requirements. Begin with the updated ITSP #1 document, then add it to the ITSP #2 paper.

· Continue to use a title page from the ITSP #1 assignment that includes: The company name, title of assignment, your name, Course and Section number and date. Use the numbering format in the assignment instructions above, for these sections:

1. IT Strategies

2. IT Portfolio Roadmap

3. Proposed Project

4. Risk Management

a. Risk 1: state the risk

(1): (explain the risk)

(2): (impact of the risk if not properly managed)

(3): (accept, reject, transfer, mitigate stated followed by the explanation on how management will be accomplished)

b. Risk 2: state the risk

(1): (explain the risk)

(2): (impact of the risk if not properly managed)

(3): (accept, reject, transfer, mitigate stated followed by the explanation on how management will be accomplished)

c. Risk 3: state the risk

(1): (explain the risk)

(2): (impact of the risk if not properly managed)

(3): (accept, reject, transfer, mitigate stated followed by the explanation on how management will be accomplished)

d. Risk 4: state the risk

(1): (explain the risk)

(2): (impact of the risk if not properly managed)

(3): (accept, reject, transfer, mitigate stated followed by the explanation on how management will be accomplished)

5. Business Continuity Planning

a. General steps of a BCP

b. Personnel involved with the BCP/roles related to the BCP

c. Three most important technological systems/justification for their continuity of operations

d. Specific steps to ensure these three technological systems remain operational

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