IFSM 301 – CIO Organizational Structure Memo

Please see the attached assignment, along with the case study, previous assignment, and course resources. Please follow the assignment details very carefully – using the case study and a lot of the course resources.  Must include APA in-text citations and bibliography. Please see the attached assignment for complete assignment details.

GG Freightways (GGFRT) CIO Organizational Structure Memo Paper

Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the “GG Freightways Case Study,” as well as all materials in the course to date. You will also need to review any feedback you received on your IT Strategic Plan #2 assignment.

Purpose of this Assignment

This assignment gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to apply the course concepts to address the organizational changes needed to evolve the information technology (IT) department into a true CIO organization to support the GG Freightways (GGFRT). This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcome to enable you to:

· explain the roles and responsibilities of an information technology department to support an organization’s IT strategy

CIO Organizational Structure Memo

Formatting Your Assignment

· Avoid quotation where possible by paraphrasing ideas and findings from your sources into both your own words and writing style. Changing a few words but including most of the wording and structure from the original text of your sources is not acceptable. Verbatim text directly from sources is not acceptable, even if cited. The work of the ideas and the writing needs to be your own. If you do use verbatim text, you must use quotation marks even if you have cited the source.

· Formatting: 1” margins, 12-point Times New Roman font. Use memo format for this assignment; you can find memo templates in Word.

· In the CIO Memo assignment, you are preparing the document based on the feedback from the second assignment and scoring rubric. However, you don’t need to include Parts 1 and 2 in this submission.

· Continue to use a title page from the ITSP #1 assignment that includes: The company name, title of assignment, your name, Course and Section number and date.

· Use outline format in the assignment instructions above, for these sections:

1. Introduction and Purpose

2. Leadership Philosophy

a. Leadership Philosophy:

b. Management Style:

3. Internal IT Strategies

4. Current IT Department Structure

5. New CIO Organization

6. Key Services

7. New CIO Organization Structure

8. Key Milestones

9. Conclusion

· Write a short, concise paper: Use the recommendations provided in each area for length of response. It’s important to value quality over quantity.

· Content areas should be double spaced; table entries should be single spaced.

· To copy a table: Move your cursor to the table, then click on the small box that appears at the upper left corner of the table to highlight the table; right click and COPY the table; put the cursor in your paper where you want the table and right click and PASTE the table.

· Ensure that each of the tables is preceded by an introductory sentence that explains what is contained in the table (if required in that specific section), so the reader understands why the table has been included.

1. Use at least two resources with APA formatted citation and reference. Any course content should be from the class reading content, not the assignment instructions or case study itself. For information on APA format, refer to Content>Course Resources>Writing Resources.

· Use a Reference Page for resources required for this assignment. Use APA format for your reference page.

· Running headers are not required for this report; however, please use page numbers.

· Compare your work to the Grading Rubric below to be sure you have met content and quality criteria.

· Submit your paper as a Word document, or a document that can be read in Word. Keep tables in Word format – do not paste in graphics.

· The format of the assignment must be completed in MS Office Memo format. Use a template from Word to start this assignment.

· Your submission should include your last name first in the filename Lastname_Firstname_CIO Memo

The “right” and “wrong” answers have to do with whether or not you correctly incorporated the course concepts and vocabulary from the course materials and addressed all parts of the assignment.  The organizational structure you propose is not as important as that it makes sense in light of the course content and the Case Study. Use the Rubric below to be sure you have covered all aspects of the assignment.

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