Human Resources Management – Assignment 4

Part A




As the new human resource manager of a multimillion-dollar service organization, you have been provided with a job description for new responsibilities.




For this assignment, please provide the following.




  1. A synthesis of three (3) environmental influences that affect the organization quantifying their impact and providing potential solutions for negative and positive influences.




  1. Create a brief job description for a specific job of your choice outlining the roles and responsibilities of this position. Next, design an employee-training program and outline its implementation for this position. Finally, provide an evaluation of the design and implementation of the employee-training program you have created.




Part B




You operate a small advertising agency.  You employ two secretaries, a graphic designer, three sales representatives, and an office coordinator.




  1. Construct a multi-tiered approach for compensation for each position. What types of criteria would you consider when determining how to compensate each position?  Describe two (2) considerations for each position. Students may choose to present information in a spreadsheet or table format for organization and interpretative purposes.


  2. Evaluate the process and the associated outcomes for the approach you constructed. Defend the choices you have made including the type of compensation plan chosen for each position.

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