Human Resource Management homework help

Please Review the Following Important Information

Before Filling Out a Charge Form!

· Please call an Information Officer in the Regional Office nearest you for assistance in filing a charge. The Information Officer will be happy to answer your questions about the charge form or to draft the charge on your behalf. Seeking assistance from an Information Officer may help you to avoid having the processing of your charge delayed or your charge dismissed because of mistakes made in completing the form.

· Please be advised that not every workplace action that you may view as unfair constitutes an unfair labor practice within the jurisdiction of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). Please click on the Help Desk button for more information on matters covered by the NLRA.

· The section of the charge form called, “Basis of Charge,” seeks only a brief description of the alleged unfair labor practice. You should NOT include a detailed recounting of the evidence in support of the charge or a list of the names and telephone numbers of witnesses.

· After completing the charge form, be sure to sign and date the charge and mail or deliver the completed form to the appropriate Regional Office.

· A charge should be filed with the Regional Office which has jurisdiction over the geographic area of the United States where the unfair labor practice occurred. For example, an unfair labor practice charge alleging that an employer unlawfully discharged an employee would usually be filed with the Regional Office having jurisdiction over the worksite where the employee was employed prior to his/her discharge. An Information Officer will be pleased to

assist you in locating the appropriate Regional Office in which to file your charge.

· The NLRB’s Rules and Regulations state that it is the responsibility of the individual, employer or union filing a charge to timely and properly serve a copy of the charge on the person, employer or union against whom such charge is made.

· By statute, only charges filed and served within six (6) months of the date of the event or conduct, which is the subject of that charge, will be processed by the NLRB.


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