Human Resource Management homework help

Discussion responses needed


Views of Human Resource Development

In the textbook, two main views of human resource development are examined.  Discuss the similarities and differences between the views of performance-based and developmental HRD.  Answer the questions:  Which view do you believe is more relevant to your organization.  Why?

Use this week’s lecture as a basis for your post. Reference and cite the textbook in your original post. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Respond to Rosa Hernandez post below

Hello Class,

The views observed in the organization I am in are mostly in developmental Human Resources Development. Our text indicates that performance-based human resources development is related to human capital theory, in which looks at the organization’s profit and competitive advantages as the measures of success, it examines each and every individual within an organization to its bottom line in alignment to the business metrics logics (Kopp, 2014). The similarities in performance-based and human resources development (HRD) that both require the cost of training, investing in the individuals in an organization that will help in the growth of productivity and measurements of intangible assets (Kopp, 2014). The differences are that performance-based focuses mostly on the profitability of the organization in contrast to the interest of the employees instead viewed as dehumanizing the individuals from the organization. HRD focuses in developing the employees in training the employees, in which are considered the assets of the organization by providing on the job training (OJT) in the workplace so they can perform their jobs effectively (Kopp, 2014).

HRD is more relevant to my organization because employees still meet their goals and work less under a stressful environment of performance-based management in which the company gets to keep their employees and continue providing them refresher training and actualize them with newer information. Performance-based, the company will keep losing employees after spending thousands of dollars in training because perhaps they didn’t have a good quarter or end of month attainability. HRD is more humane to employees and it shows as the company cares for the employees. Also, employees would want to work more for a company whose less frictional in performance-based that all they talk about is numbers and there is no personable approach from their leadership.


Kopp, D. M. (2014). Human resource development: Performance improvement through learning [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

Respond to Lisa Puffenbarger post below

The resemblances among the opinions of performance-based and developmental human resources are the education and growth of workers.  Workers that achieve well are typically the outcome of improvement and expansion.  Performance-based personnel is just that, grounded workers of a higher value to their group because they can have produced superior income by a performance at a higher level.  Developmental HRD is comparable because of the improved way of the learning, the higher chance of achievement.  Performance-based and developmental Human Resource Development (HRD) vary in that performance-based emphases on revenue or the group, while developmental HRD geared in the direction of knowing that the team have a sense of contentment from what they understand of and how they have advanced.  It is more individual than just professional.

Performance-based is more pertinent to my society.  That is, “the primary focuses I having a well-trained employee is to increase their value to the organization along with their workplace productivity” (Kopp, 2014).  While they have some anxiety for workers feeling poised and well-informed, their precedence is to guarantee the output remains elevated and that each month their quota is met.


Kopp, D., M.  (2014).  Human resource development:  Performance improvement through learning [Electronic version].  Retrieved from

Discussion 2 responses needed


Explicit, Implicit and Tacit Knowledge

There are three types of knowledge discussed in the textbook: explicit, implicit, and tacit. Describe the three types of knowledge. Give an example of each of the three types of knowledge based on your position in your organization. Which of the three types of knowledge is the most difficult for a trainer to teach?

Respond to Dana Conley response below

I am an HR Manager for my organization and have been acting in this capacity for about four years. Explicit knowledge is knowledge, “which can be and has been articulated”, implicit knowledge is, “knowledge that can be articulated but has not been”, and tacit knowledge is knowledge, “that cannot be articulated” (Kopp, 2014).  An example of explicit knowledge based on my position within my organization is our employee handbook that lists all our HR policies. The information has been articulated and is available for the employees to review so long as they have access to our organizations intranet site. An example of implicit knowledge would be the process by which employees fill out automated paid time off and time adjustment requests. The features are there but unless someone tells you how to complete this new process you would not know. An example of tacit knowledge would be when I try to describe how I breakdown our organizations personnel complaints into trend reports for executive presentations to identify our areas of opportunity. The task was assigned to me almost three years ago and since I took the task from a predecessor and manipulated the data according to what I wanted to see I have a lot of trouble explaining to someone what steps I take to manipulate it because I just do it. This is one of my areas of opportunity because as an HR Manager, I need to be able to disseminate responsibilities like this to other trusted HR personnel but because I am in a remote office and I cannot show anyone how I do it I have to keep this task until we hire an HR Admin onsite.


Kopp, D.  M.  (2014).  Human Resource Development: Performance Through Learning.  San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.


Respond to Kelly Adkins response below

Job knowledge is something that is communicated to the trainee mainly through the trainer.  There are three types of knowledge:

“Explicit knowledge is that which can be and has been articulated” (Kopp, 2014).  An example of this within my work place is our Team Member Hand Book and Business Conduct Guide.  I am a human resource specialist and during each Target Welcome I go over handbook highlights with our new hires as a way to train them on the most important topics of discussion.

“Implicit knowledge is knowledge that can be articulated but has not been (at least, not yet)” (Kopp, 2014).  Within this knowledge there are three areas of approach which are productive, neutral or counter productive.  Recently I trained and on boarded my peer.  To benefit her and the rest of the team I tried to train her on as much as I could in the beginning.  Sometimes though with HR you cannot possible train on everything; but rather you may have to wait until a scenario comes up on its own. This could be seen as implicit knowledge.  My hope with this is that I’ve given her the tools and resources she would need to approach the problem with a clear solution.

“Tacit knowledge is that which cannot be articulated; tacit knowledge can be described as “learned by doing.”” (Kopp, 2014).  I think of this type of knowledge as the information you gain on the job, it’s hard to put into words.  In HR we do this all the time without knowing.  For example, dealing with uncomfortable situations at work like team member / operation manager issues.  I used to be very uncomfortable taking complaints from team members so I’d pass then off to my leader.  But over the years I’ve gained confidence in myself and my I’ve developed an approach that enlists trust from our employees knowing that I’ll handle each situation accordingly.  I think this type of knowledge is the hardest for anyone to teach, let it be a trainer or even my leader.  Sometimes repetition and experiences difficulty is the best way to push us forward there fore it cannot be taught, but rather experienced.


Kopp, D. M. (2014). Human Resource Development: Performance Improvement through Learning. [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

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