Historical Nurse Leader (Professional Issues In Nursing)

Choose a historical nurse leader of interest and write a 2-page paper using 7th. edition APA formatting. There is a template in the required format provided below for your convenience.

Step 1 Select and research a historical nurse leader who interests you. You may use a nurse leader presented in this lesson or from another source. In all professional papers, you will need a title page, an introduction paragraph, the body with research, a conclusion and a reference page. All format must be in 7th edition APA. For the body of your paper, address the following objectives and separate using distinct paragraph headers:

  • Identify and describe the nurse leader you chose
  • Provide a brief description of the historical time period
  • Discuss the achievements of the nurse leader
  • Provide a description of how this nurse affected the nursing profession
  • Explain why this nurse leader was chosen for this project

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