Final project

BUSI 505

Final Project Overall Assignment Instructions


Health Informatics is an applied field of study incorporating theories from information science; computer science; the science for the specific discipline, such as medicine, nursing, or pharmacy; and the wide range of sciences used in the healthcare delivery. As a result, health informatics specialists draw on a wide range of theories to guide their practice.


You are to submit a final research paper focused on a selected topic below. This paper is to be reflective of a master’s level academic research paper and will be assembled throughout the course by producing several deliverables:

· Module 3: Week 3: Annotated Bibliography

· Module 4: Week 4: Outline

· Module 5: Week 5: Final Paper Draft

· Module 7: Week 7: Final Paper Submission

Please choose one of the following four (4) major theoretical approaches as the main topic of your final paper and relate it to a current topic (practices, policies, and/or regulations) in healthcare informatics1:

1. Systems Theory

· Characteristics of Systems

· Resistance to Change

· Systems and the Change process

· Function vs purpose


· Entropy – the need to be replaced/wears out and negentropy – more complex, how IS systems grow

2. Information Theory

· Shannon and Weaver Information-Communication Model

· Levels of communication

· Blum’s Model Wisdom added (Review data, information, and knowledge)

· Graves Model

· Nelson Model

3. Learning Theories

· Behavioral Theories

· Information Processing, or Cognitive Learning, Theories

· Adult Learning Theories

· Learning Styles

4. Change Theories

· Planned Change

· Diffusion of Innovation

· Using Change Theories

· Change Management

· Put stages on board – and explain how it works in real life

· Knowledge stage

· Persuasion Stage

· Decision Stage

· Modification Stage

· Confirmation Stage


The final paper submission is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) at the end of Module 7: Week 7.

1 Paper topic must be approved by the instructor before you begin working on researching the topic.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.

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