Excel Chapter 5 Prepare Case – Pro Shop Sales Analysis

Grader – Instructions Excel 2019 Project



Project Description:

The Red Bluff Golf Course & Pro Shop generates revenue through its golfers, golfer services, and pro shop sales. Aleeta Herriott, the pro shop manager, receives revenue data on a weekly basis. She would like help developing an Excel workbook that she can use to analyze various elements of pro shop’s transactions, as well as, employee performance, customer rewards, and shipping costs. She has a workbook started with some sample data and a framework for the type of the analysis she needs and wants you to continue to develop the workbook. This workbook will help Aleeta make informed decisions about the business.


Steps to Perform:

Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Excel. Download and open the file named Excel_Ch05_Prepare_ProShopSales.xlsx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename. Save the file to the location where you are storing your files. 0
2 Employees at the Red Bluff Golf Club & Pro Shop have the opportunity to become certified trainers if they log enough hours. Aleeta would like to know which of her employees are certified. On the EmployeeAnalysis worksheet, in cell D5, enter a function that will return the text Certified if the number of training hours completed is 50 or more, otherwise return the text Not Certified. AutoFill the function down through cell D9. Club members get a 10% discount off all items in the Pro Shop. Aleeta wants to keep track of these discounts. On the Transactions worksheet, in cell I10, enter a function that will return 0.07 if the customer is a member, otherwise return a blank value (“”). Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through cell I30. 1.8
3 On the Transactions worksheet, in cell K10, enter a function that will return 0.05 if the customer used cash for the payment type and the gross revenue was greater than $100, otherwise return a blank value (“”). Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through cell K30. 1.2
4 At the end of each day, Aleeta would like to classify customers as either High value or Low value based on the number of items they’ve purchased or the amount of money spent. On the CustomerAnalysis worksheet, in cell F4, enter a formula that will return the value of High if the customer has purchased more than 12 items or if they have a total sales amount that is greater than or equal to $1,000, otherwise return the value of Low. Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through F16. 1.5
5 Aleeta is considering rolling out a Rewards Program to replace all of the individual discounts and coupons. One option she is considering is focused on club members. On the Transactions worksheet, in cell O10, create a formula that will return 0.1 if the customer is a member and they either purchased a promotional item or spent more than $100, otherwise return a blank value (“”). Format the cell as Percentage with 0 decimal places. Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through O30. 1.8
6 Another rewards program that Aleeta is considering includes a way for non-club members to also earn a discount. On the Transactions worksheet, in cell P10, create a formula that will return 0.1 if the customer is a member and they spent more than $200 or if the customer simply purchased a promotional item, otherwise return a blank value (“”). Format the cell as Percentage with 0 decimal places. Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through P30. 1.8
7 Aleeta had a new Point of Sale system installed at the Pro Shop and training has been ongoing. She would like to know which of her employees are beginners, proficient, or experts on the new system based on the number of training hours completed. On the EmployeeAnalysis worksheet, in cell D14, use the IFS function to return Expert for training hours at least 40, return Proficient for training hours at least 25, otherwise return Beginner. Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through D18. 1.5
8 Aleeta would like to reward her customers with a coupon to celebrate the upcoming Customer Appreciation Day. There are three different coupons and each customer will receive one of them. On the CustomerAnalysis worksheet, in cell G4, enter a Nested IF function that will return values based on the following: If a customer is a club member and has been deemed a high value customer based on their last transaction, she would like them to get 20% off. If they are not a member but are still deemed a high value customer, she would like them to get 15% off. All other customers will receive a 10% off coupon. Rather than type in the values, reference the appropriate cells in I5:I7 for the values. Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through G16. 1.8
9 On the Transactions worksheet, in cell H10, replace the static value by entering a VLOOKUP function to retrieve the Item’s price from the Product_List table and then multiply it by the quantity to calculate the gross revenue. Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through H30. 1.5
10 On the Transactions worksheet, in cell J10, replace the static value by entering a HLOOKUP function to retrieve the discount value from the range B4:D6 based on the coupon code used in the transaction. Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through J30. 1.5
11 Employees of the Pro Shop earn commission on total daily sales. The rate they earn depends on the amount of revenue they generate. However, Assistant Managers get a flat commission rate regardless of the amount of revenue. On the EmployeeAnalysis worksheet, in cell D23, enter a formula that will return values based on the following: Return 0.05 for employees who have a job title of Asst Manager. For all other employees, use the CommissionRates table in cells G13:J14 to retrieve the correct commission rate based on the TotalRevenue value. Multiply the rate by the TotalRevenue to calculate the commission amount earned for each employee. Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through D27. 2.4
12 The Pro Shop sells a variety of items from numerous categories. Aleeta would like to promote all items that are NOT accessories. On the Transactions worksheet, in cell G10, replace the static value by entering a formula that will return Yes if the category of the Item sold is not Accessories, otherwise return No. Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through G30. 2.4
13 To provide incentives for employees to sell more goods, Aleeta has set sales goals for each employee for items belonging to various categories. On the EmployeeAnalysis worksheet, you will use an INDEX function to retrieve the correct sales goal based on the EmployeeID and the desired Category. Because INDEX functions need to be told what row and column number to go to, you will use MATCH functions to do the counting an determine the correct row and column numbers for the INDEX to use. On the EmployeeAnalysis worksheet, in cell J23, enter a MATCH function that will return the row number of whichever category is selected in cell H20. Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through J27. In cell K23, enter a MATCH function that will return the column number of the EmployeeID in cell F23. Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through K27. In cell H23, enter an INDEX function, using the range G5:K9 as the array, and referencing the values in J23 and K23 for the row and column numbers. Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through H27. Change the category in cell H20 to Accessories to make sure the function retrieves the correct values. 2.4
14 Aleeta would like to reward the customer who spends the most money at the Pro Shop and needs to be able to easily retrieve their CustomerID, CustomerName, SalesVolume, and TotalSales for the customer with the largest TotalSales value. On the CustomerAnalysis worksheet, in cell B20, enter an INDEX function that will retrieve the CustomerID of the customer with the highest TotalSales from the array A4:G16. Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through B23. 3
15 Shipping costs vary depending on method of shipping and the zone number of the destination. Creating a dynamic retrieval function leveraging the INDIRECT function can make it easily to calculate shipping costs for customers. On the ShippingCosts worksheet, create a Priority named range for cells A5:F10 and then create an Express named range for cells A15:F20. In cell I7, enter a VLOOKUP function to retrieve the correct shipping costs based on the weight and zone. Use the INDIRECT function for the table_array so that the customer can choose Express or Priority shipping. Change the shipping method from Priority to Express to ensure the correct shipping cost is retrieved. 3
16 Several formulas on the Transactions worksheet resulted in #N/A where the lookup value is blank. The #N/A is not only distracting, it is confusing to users because they may believe that there are calculation errors when in actuality the errors are valid errors. On the Transactions worksheet, incorporate the IFERROR function in cells G10, H10, and J10 so that a blank value (“”) is returned for the value_if_error. Use the fill handle to copy each formula down through row 30. 0.9
17 Aleeta would like to know the net revenue generated from each transaction as well as the total discounts for each transaction. On the Transactions worksheet, in cell L10, calculate the net revenue by multiplying the gross revenue by 1 – the sum of all discounts. If the calculation returns an error, replace the error with a blank value (“”). Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through L30. In cell M10, calculate the total discount for the transaction by subtracting the net revenue from the gross revenue. If the calculation returns an error, replace the error with a blank value (“”). Use the fill handle to copy the formula down through M30. 1.5
18 Save and close the workbook Excel_Ch05_Prepare_ProShopSales.xlsx. Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed. 0
Total Points 30


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