Exam# 250636RR

1. Fair use
A. allows you to make additional copies of an article for other people to use.
B. gives a person the right to copy select portions of a book for personal study or research use.
C. permits someone to copy an entire book or periodical.
D. applies to photographs, which cannot be legally copied.
2. The correct term for the list of sources in APA format is
A. References.
B. Works Cited.
C. Citations Page.
D. Bibliography Page.
3. The number one reason why using notecards helps you when researching is that they keep your
A. Web pages organized by URLs.
B. quotations in parenthetical order.
C. research organized.
D. citations in alphabetical order.
4. A research journal can help you keep notes
A. from multiple sources arranged according to the date they were accessed.
B. on notecards arranged according to author.
C. from a single source together with the required citation information.
D. for your bibliography arranged according to pages.
5. Although online bibliographic generators are generally accurate, it’s always best practice to verify the
accuracy of the citations by
A. comparing various citation styles and using whichever one makes the most sense.
B. copying the citation styles used in other authors’ bibliographies.
C. using Purdue University and Long Island University’s online writing labs.
D. borrowing real-life examples of research in your given field of study.
6. APA style is generally used in which fields of study?A. Literature, history, and anthropology
B. Science disciplines, such as chemistry, biochemistry, and engineering
C. Humanities-related areas such as literature, composition, fine arts, and communications
D. Social science disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, economics, and nutrition
7. What is the correct definition of a paraphrase?
A. Borrowed information restated in your own words and sentence structure
B. General knowledge that doesn’t need to be cited
C. The author’s words or ideas verbatim in quotation marks with a citation
D. Summarized version of a longer idea in a source
8. Self-plagiarism occurs when you
A. turn in one assignment for more than one course.
B. neglect to cite sources in your research paper.
C. take a harmless shortcut when you have too many assignments to hand in.
D. cut and paste direct words from a Wikipedia article.
9. Which of the following elements should be placed first in a bibliographic citation?
A. Place of publication
B. Title
C. Author
D. Date of publication
10. A bibliography is necessary because it provides a method for
A. your readers to find your sources for themselves.
B. keeping track of what sources you don’t want to use in your research project.
C. organizing your research journal.
D. using a bibliographic generator.
11. It’s important to keep organized notes when performing research because doing so will help you
A. prove to your instructor you did your research.
B. remember which sources you don’t want to use in your project.
C. differentiate between which sources are fair use and which ones aren’t.
D. avoid plagiarism.
12. MLA is an abbreviation for which organization?
A. Methodology of Language Research and Abbreviation Alliance
B. Modern Linguistics Association
C. Modern Language Association
D. Methodology of Linguistic Studies Alliance
13. The correct term for the list of sources in MLA format isA. Works Cited.
B. References.
C. Citations Page.
D. Bibliography Page.
14. To which of the following does the protection of a trademark apply?
A. Symbols representing a product
B. Graphics on the Web
C. Literary work
D. Scientific process
15. What is the definition of copyright law?
A. Legal protection of ideas, concepts, and research that was conceived of but not fixed to paper or any other tangible medium
B. Legal protection of inventions and processes that excludes others from trying to market, produce, and sell them
C. Legal protection that covers published and unpublished literary, scientific, and artistic works provided that such works are
fixed in a tangible or material form
D. Legal protection for symbols, words, company brands, and products
16. What is the style rule for introducing a direct quote in MLA?
A. Use a signal phrase with the publication name and date accessed in parentheses.
B. Use a signal phrase that includes the author’s name, along with the page number on which the information appeared in
C. Don’t use any identifying information in the paper or project.
D. Use a signal phrase with only the author’s name in parentheses.
17. What is the definition of intellectual property?
A. All scientific and artistic works and ideas that officially register for one-year protection with the government
B. Any original thought, regardless if it’s been expressed or developed into a tangible creation
C. A collection of ideas presented to academic scholars pertaining to a specific subject
D. An idea, invention, or process that derives from the work of the mind or intellect
18. MLA and APA are
A. creations by the University of Chicago for graduate students.
B. primary citation methods used in college-level research.
C. bibliographic generators.
D. citations methods that are used only in humanities disciplines.
19. To which of the following does copyright protection not apply?
A. Sounds
B. Images
C. Video
D. InventionsEnd of exam
20. A logo would need
A. a patent.
B. proof of fair use.
C. a trademark.
D. a copyright.

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