Evidence Based Nursing —Due In 5.5 Hours…

evidence based nursing



2 sources


my prof will use turnitin


tip if uploaded withn 5 hours


Reading Research Literature – Week 5

Type your answers to the following questions using complete sentences and correct grammar, spelling, and syntax. Click Save as and save the file with your last name and assignment, e.g.,NR439_Reading_Research_Literature_Smith. Submit by 11:59 pm MT Sunday at the end of Week 5. The guidelines and grading rubric for this assignment may be found on the assignment page.

Title: RRL

Name: [replace this text with your name]

The following questions pertain to: 

Velayutham, S. G., Chandra, S. R., Bharath, S., & Shankar, R. G. (2017). Quantitative balance and gait measurement in patients with frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer diseases: A pilot study. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 39(2), 176-182. doi:10.4103/0253-7176.203132

http://proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? direct=true&db=a9h&AN=122248443&site=eds-live&scope=site

  • What is the purpose of this research?
  • What is the research question (or questions)? This may be implicit or explicit.
  • Give a complete description of the research design of this study.
  • What is the population (sample) for this study.
  • Was the sample approach adequate for the research design that was selected and explain why.
  • Describe the data collection procedure.
  • How were the data analyzed after collection?
  • Discuss the limitations found in the study.
  • Discuss the authors’ conclusions. Do you feel these conclusions are based on the data that they collected?
  • How does this advance knowledge in the field?

The following questions pertain to:

Pals, R. S., Hansen, U. M., Johansen, C. B., Hansen, C. S., Jørgensen, M. E., Fleischer, J., & Willaing, I. (2015). Making sense of a new technology in clinical practice: a qualitative study of patient and physician perspectives. BMC Health Services Research15(1), 1-10. doi:10.1186/s12913-015-1071-1


  • What is the purpose of this research?
  • What is the research question (or questions)? This may be implicit or explicit.
  • Give a complete description of the research design of this study.
  • What is the population (sample) for this study?
  • Was the sample spproach adequate for the research design that was selected and explain why.
  • Describe the data collection procedure.
  • How were the data analyzed?
  • Discuss the limitations found in the study?
  • Discuss the authors’ conclusions. Do you feel these conclusions are based on the data that they collected?
  • How does this advance knowledge in the field.


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