Dx: Tonsillitis Soap Notes

Running head: SOAP NOTE 1




Name:  R.T  
Date: 03-16-2020 Age: 29 Sex: F

“I am urinating all the time, and it burns when I urinate”


This is a 29-year-old African American woman presenting today to the clinic with continuing complaints of dysuria, urgency to urinate, and frequency of urination. She states that she has recently noticed that her urine has a “foul and unpleasant smell”. The patient also complains of a mild fever. She contends that physical and emotional stress often exacerbate the symptoms.




Allergies: Patient reports no food, environmental, or drug allergies

Medication Intolerances: N/A

Chronic Illnesses/Major traumas: No chronic illnesses or major traumas

Hospitalizations/Surgeries: None

Family History

Patient’s father currently alive at age 61, diagnosed with cardiac disease.

Mother passed away three years ago from a tragic road accident.

Patient has two older sibling, both of whom are alive and well.

Social History

EM works as a sales representative for a fashion designer store in the state. She denies cigarette smoking but admits to social ETOH use and occasional marijuana use. She states that for the past 7 months, she has been sexually active with one male partner. Patient also asserts that for contraception, she uses spermicide-coated condoms


Endorses mild fevers but denies chills, malaise, night sweats, fatigue, or recent weight changes


Patient denies palpitations, claudication, chest pain, or orthopnea


EM denies changes in moles, rashes, itching, easy bruising, or bites


Denies painful breathing, SOB, abnormal sputum production or cough. She does not recall even taking a TB skin test


Denies visual loss, double vision, or blurred vision. She states she has no history of cataracts or glaucoma.


Patient denies abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, intolerance to food, appetite changes, or stool changes


Denies ear pain, ear infections, or tinnitus


Patient does report urgency, frequency, dysuria, odorous urine and suprapubic pain. She reports voiding at least 15 times daily. She nonetheless rebuts flank pain, hematuria and history of STIs. LMP 1 week ago, no heavy bleeding. She confides that she uses spermicide-coated condoms for contraception.


EM denies nasal pain, congestion or other sinus problems. Refutes throat swelling or pain


Denies limits to ROM, swelling, muscle pain, or warm joints


She denies discharge, redness, tenderness or any other breast changes


Patient rebuts coordination difficulties, paralysis, tremors, seizures, or syncope




Denies problems with concentration, nervousness, feelings of irritability, mood changes, or depressive symptoms

Weight: 143lbs BMI: 23.1 Temp: 37.3oC BP: 124/82
Height: 5’6’’ Pulse74 Resp: 16
General Appearance

Cooperative Caucasian woman appearing her age, she seems in no distress


No skin lesions observed upon physical examination


Head normocephalic with normal hair distribution. No facial swelling noted. Eyes: PERRLA; EOMI. Fundi benign. Ears: TMs intact with no erythema. Nose: Mucous membranes moist. Nasopharynx without erythema, exudates, or lesions. Mouth: Good dentition, no missing teeth


S1 & S2 normal without MRG. No carotid bruits. (-) JVD


Lungs CTA posteriorly and anteriorly


Abdomen soft and nontender. (+) bowel sounds


No nipple retraction, lymphadenopathy, or nipple discharge


Mild suprapubic tenderness noted with palpation. No inguinal hernias or CVA tenderness. Vaginal mucosa pink, no discharge, minimal rugae. Bimanual exam reveals no masses. Patient reported tenderness over the bladder base after applying pressure to the anterior vaginal wall during the bimanual examination. Perineum intact without lesion. Rectovaginal exam – sphincter tone intact, septum intact; no tenderness or masses


ROM WNL without crepitus or pain


Cranial nerves II-XII intact. (-) Romberg exam. Motor and sensory levels intact


Patient alert and oriented × 3. She appears to have normal affect and is able to follow commands

Lab Tests

Urinalysis – Yellow, cloudy; WBC 10–15 cells/hpf; RBC 1–5 cells/hpf; pH 5.0; protein 10 mg/dL; glucose (–); leukocyte esterase (+); trace blood; nitrite positive; many bacteria

Pelvic ultrasound – Negative for uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts

Urine culture—pending

Special Tests: None



· N30.90-Cystitis, unspecified without hematuria (dysuria, urgency to urinate, and frequency of urination are all common signs of cystitis. Tenderness over the bladder base after applying pressure to the anterior vaginal wall during the bimanual examination, mild suprapubic tenderness, and urinalysis findings also support cystitis as the definitive diagnosis)


Differential Diagnosis:

· N39.0- Urinary Tract Infection: Urinary tract infections don’t always cause signs and symptoms, but when they do they may include a strong, persistent urge to urinate, burning sensation when urinating, passing frequent, small amounts of urine, urine that appears cloudy, red, bright pink or cola-colored (a sign of blood in the urine), strong-smelling urine, pelvic pain, in women (especially in the center of the pelvis and around the area of the pubic bone)

· N10– Acute Pyelonephritis: Classic presentation in acute pyelonephritis is the triad of fever, costovertebral angle pain, and nausea and/or vomiting. These may not all be present, however, or they may not occur together temporally. Symptoms may be minimal to severe and usually develop over hours or over the course of a day. Infrequently, symptoms develop over several days and may even be present for a few weeks before the patient seeks medical care. Symptoms of cystitis may or may not be present to varying degrees. These may include urinary frequency, hesitancy, lower abdominal pain, and urgency.

· N76.0– Vaginitis: Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina that can result in discharge, itching and pain. The cause is usually a change in the normal balance of vaginal bacteria or an infection. Reduced estrogen levels after menopause and some skin disorders can also cause vaginitis.








· Further testing; Urine Culture

· Medication: nitrofurantoin 100 mg twice per day for 5 days.

· Education: Patient education was fundamental during the encounter with this patient. The patient received counseling about certain foods and substances that may trigger cystitis symptom flares including coffee and caffeinated beverages, soda, alcoholic beverages, citrus fruits and juices, spicy foods such as hot peppers, artificial sweeteners as well as food additives and preservatives. Patient also received information about self-care strategies that could help her in managing the symptoms of acute uncomplicated cystitis. Some of these strategies included controlled fluid intake, pain relief strategies (e.g. warm sitz bath), gentle exercise, and physical therapy

· Follow-up: scheduled after 1 week. However, clinician advised the patient to return if the symptoms progress despite treatment or if they fail to resolve within 72 hours


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