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Describe a positive-feedback loop whereby post-surgical pain and activation of the neurohormonal stress axes interact with one another and lead to increase pain/suffering, slower wound healing, and medical complications. Answers need to include the specific stress axes, active physiological processes, and the approximate brain structures involved in this feedback loop. As a hospital’s staff Health Psychologist, what would you propose to reduce the likelihood of such positive-feedback scenarios at your facility? Psychologists and other behavioral medicine specialists are often the “providers of last resort” in the treatment of chronic illnesses. Do you think this is appropriate? Describe a situation in which it might be acceptable or even desirable that behavioral medicine interventions be the last-ditch solution and one in which the trajectory of illness might have been very different had behavioral medicine been included earlier. Each question with no more than 350 words. Thank you.

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Discussion Post


Describe a positive-feedback loop whereby post-surgical pain and activation of the neurohormonal stress axes interact with one another and lead to increase pain/suffering, slower wound healing, and medical complications. Answers need to include the specific stress axes, active physiological processes, and the approximate brain structures involved in this feedback loop. As a hospital’s staff Health Psychologist, what would you propose to reduce the likelihood of such positive-feedback scenarios at your facility? Psychologists and other behavioral medicine specialists are often the “providers of last resort” in the treatment of chronic illnesses. Do you think this is appropriate? Describe a situation in which it might be acceptable or even desirable that behavioral medicine interventions be the last-ditch solution and one in which the trajectory of illness might have been very different had behavioral medicine been included earlier. Each question with no more than 350 words. Thank you.

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