Discussion Board

# Using the video from Episode 4 on Mr. Jones, answer two of the following prompts: Please identify each prompt you answer by number.

Prompt 1: How many patients are suffering from COPD in the United States? Do COPD sufferers die of respiratory causes or other causes? (Be sure to cite the data.)

Prompt 2: What two separate diseases are the main COPD diseases? Give background on each disease.

Prompt 3: How does COPD correlate with left ventricular pressure and primary heart failure?

Prompt 4: What are the three types of bronchodilators, and how do they function to alleviate the symptoms of COPD? What are other possible treatments for COPD?

Prompt 5: Through which mechanism does bronchiolitis cause the destruction of alveoli? Is emphysema genetic? Can environmental factors increase the risk of emphysema? Why or why not?

Prompt 6: Is lung transplantation a solution for emphysema? Can new technology be useful in the treatment of emphysema? Why or why not?

# Please correlate your responses to Mr. Jones’s case. Content in this case scenario incorporates topics from Chapter 22.

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Discussion Board

Causal Relationships

It shows that the graph of the use of leaded gasoline between 1937 and 1986 is similarly shaped to a graph of violent crime between the years of 1960 and 2009. The authors of the article argue that this shape similarity could imply a causal relationship. Do you agree or disagree? What other factors might play a role in this relationship? Please remember to comment on at least one other student’s post.

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Discussion Board

Choose one of the eating disorders below:

  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Binge eating
  • Pica
  • Rumination disorder

Develop a substantial initial post addressing all the points on the chosen disorder:

  • Discuss the characteristics of the disorder.
  • What symptoms should the nurse expect to see for the disorder?
  • After watching the videos on Total Parenteral Nutrition and Enteral Nutrition in ATI, how would these nutritional treatments be used in the care of these patients?

Use evidence from one scholarly source other than your textbook or ATI book to support your answer. Use APA Style to cite your source.

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