
  Reading # 3 from Ruggiero’s, Thinking Critically about Ethical Issues. At minimum the below chapter from this book is to be read. With all readings in this course, you are encouraged to read actively and discerningly/critically at all times.

  • The Role of Feelings – Ch. 3 (Pages 28-37)

1 After reviewing this weeks Powerpoint and reading Chapter 3 please respond to both prompts below

1 . Ralph, a college student, borrow his roommate’s car to drive to his aunt’s funeral. On the way back, he falls asleep at the wheel, veers off the road, and rolls down an embankment. Though he emerges unhurt, the car is a total wreck. Because the car is 5 years old the roommate has no collision insurance. Ralph is sorry about the accident  but feels no responsibility or paying his roommate what the car was worth.

Does he have any moral responsibility to do so?

2. A 16-year-old girl and their father were arrested in Panama City, Florida for allegedly trying to sell the girl’s unborn baby for a 10 year old car and $500. Although selling babies is against the law, the two presumably felt that they had the moral right to do so.

Is their feeling morally defensible?

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