
Discussion Question 1

Evidence-based practice will be the cornerstone of your advanced practice career. Choose a health disease process that is common in the adult population and post your choice to the discussion question area with the title “Health Disease Choice.” If a health disease is posted, pick another one so that there will be a discussion on a variety of health disease processes.

Once you have decided on your topic, research two evidence-based articles. Cite your references in APA format. Do not look for less common and seldom-seen diseases; instead, look for the typical problems that you anticipate seeing in your practice as an advanced practice nurse. On the basis of the literature search and adult disease process, also discuss what parts of the complete health history would be essential in understanding a patient’s current health state and work-up completed to date.

Discussion Question 2

Differential diagnoses must be considered before choosing a final diagnosis. What criteria must be met before a final diagnosis can be made? Give an example of three differential diagnoses for a patient who complains of a sore throat. Support your differential diagnoses with a brief statement of reason. You do not have to have a final diagnosis for this patient; just work up the differential diagnoses. This is a common complaint for many patients.

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#7230 Topic: HA W3DT1 Number of Pages: 1 (Double Spaced) Number of sources: 3 Writing Style: APA Type of document: Essay Academic Level:Ph. D. Category: Nursing Language Style: English (U.S.) Order Instructions: T. R. (a 23-year-old female) presents to the local health clinic with complaints of two red, scaly patches on her Right arm. HPI: Started about two weeks ago. She states that the first lesions appeared to be poison ivy. After the vesicles cleared, the itching and scaling remained. She now has new lesions over her left eyebrow, and a small patch appears over her right upper lip. She states that the lesions have not cleared with over-the-counter medications. She believes she has used steroid cream, antibacterial cream, and anti-itch cream. Questions What other questions regarding her HPI would you like to ask? What additional history would you like to obtain from R.H? (Be comprehensive in this response; you have no past medical history for this client.) This is how the rash appears on physical examination: skin rash What specifically would you assess for on physical exam? How would you document the lesions? What characteristics would you look for or questions would you ask to ascertain risk of skin cancer? What education would you provide related to skin cancer health promotion and screening guidelines? ** Please refer to PDF attached for review. Provide response with references. All references must be within 5 years of publication and in APA format.

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