Digital Market Opportunity


Worldwide eBikes, Inc.

Worldwide eBikes is a fictional company, however the challenge that is presented below is typical of the kind that an established business might face when looking to expand into new markets.

You are being asked as an external consultant, appointed by the board of Worldwide eBikes, to present your recommendations regarding their strategic digital marketing plan for launching their products into Australia, as described below.

Consultants Briefing: Prepared by the Marketing Director of Worldwide eBikes

The Board of Worldwide eBikes are very keen to expand into the Australian market.  If we decide to pursue this opportunity, we hope to sell bikes both in our own e-commerce store, and through retail partners.

We haven’t promoted our products in this area of the world before, so we would appreciate your insights and guidance.

I convinced the Board that we should spend some budget on research, and I am delighted to have been able to secure some of your time on this.

The Task

I need you to prepare a written report that I can take to the Board.  In general, Board members have only a basic knowledge of the internet and we need a much better understanding of digital marketing, and the potential of expanding into Australia, if we are to be confident of spending money on this.

I have prepared a list of questions that I would like you to address in your report and look forward to hearing back from you soon.

  1. Digital Market Opportunity: What do you think of the current opportunities for marketing eBikes (digitally) in Australia?  Is it something we should be excited about and can you show us evidence to support your opinion?  We understand that you can use various online tools to look at search trends and keywords, and also to evaluate the current competition, so we’d appreciate your insights from these. We are interested in research that you have personally carried out (not research already carried out by others).

  1. Persona Research: We need an in-depth understanding of our potential customers. Please describe, and justify, the kind of research that you would undertake if you were to create ‘buyer Personas’ for the Australian e-bike market (you don’t need to create the actual Personas)

    Also, please provide three practical benefits of having well researched Persona’s, and explain how these would assist our business launch there.

  1. Short Term Market Impact: If we decide to pursue this opportunity, we will need to quickly create awareness and ‘buzz’ around our products.  Please provide your in-depth recommendations for two digital marketing tactics that we should undertake as our top priorities for effective short-term results, together with your justification of these choices.  These might include website development, using any of the various content marketing channels, and/or digital advertising.  The Board are looking for specific, detailed ideas and examples for each tactic.

  1. Fiscal Oversight: Finally, the Board is very concerned with appropriate fiscal oversight.  We realise the importance of Google Analytics reports in determining which of our digital marketing activities are effective and which might need to be modified or even discontinued.

    Please list four KPIs that would help to evaluate your previous recommendations, describe how you would report on them using Google Analytics, and the insights that each one could provide.

Notes for Students:


Please remember to fully explain and justify all recommendations that you make.  Include details and examples, and evidence of research undertaken, with illustrations such as screenshots or data as you see fit.  Provide definitions for any technical terms that someone unfamiliar with digital marketing might not immediately understand.


All students must adopt a report format as described below, and in the following order:

  1. Cover Page of your submission details in the normal style
  2. Executive Summary

o   (a summary of your key findings, and recommendations)

  1. Market Opportunity
  2. Persona Research
  3. Short Term Market Impact Tactics
  4. Fiscal Oversight
  5. Appendices (If you require them)

Plan your work to ensure that you are covering each section of your report adequately.

Consider introducing charts, images etc. if you believe that they would benefit your client’s understanding of your report.

Format Specifications

Font: Arial 12 point, Spacing: 1.5
Length: 3,000 words +/- 10% (+ a maximum addition of 2 pages of appendices)
Accurately cite all sources using Harvard style referencing (use footnotes)

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Digital Market Opportunity


Worldwide eBikes, Inc.

Worldwide eBikes is a fictional company, however the challenge that is presented below is typical of the kind that an established business might face when looking to expand into new markets.

You are being asked as an external consultant, appointed by the board of Worldwide eBikes, to present your recommendations regarding their strategic digital marketing plan for launching their products into Australia, as described below.

Consultants Briefing: Prepared by the Marketing Director of Worldwide eBikes

The Board of Worldwide eBikes are very keen to expand into the Australian market.  If we decide to pursue this opportunity, we hope to sell bikes both in our own e-commerce store, and through retail partners.

We haven’t promoted our products in this area of the world before, so we would appreciate your insights and guidance.

I convinced the Board that we should spend some budget on research, and I am delighted to have been able to secure some of your time on this.

The Task

I need you to prepare a written report that I can take to the Board.  In general, Board members have only a basic knowledge of the internet and we need a much better understanding of digital marketing, and the potential of expanding into Australia, if we are to be confident of spending money on this.

I have prepared a list of questions that I would like you to address in your report and look forward to hearing back from you soon.

  1. Digital Market Opportunity: What do you think of the current opportunities for marketing eBikes (digitally) in Australia?  Is it something we should be excited about and can you show us evidence to support your opinion?  We understand that you can use various online tools to look at search trends and keywords, and also to evaluate the current competition, so we’d appreciate your insights from these. We are interested in research that you have personally carried out (not research already carried out by others).

  1. Persona Research: We need an in-depth understanding of our potential customers. Please describe, and justify, the kind of research that you would undertake if you were to create ‘buyer Personas’ for the Australian e-bike market (you don’t need to create the actual Personas)

    Also, please provide three practical benefits of having well researched Persona’s, and explain how these would assist our business launch there.

  1. Short Term Market Impact: If we decide to pursue this opportunity, we will need to quickly create awareness and ‘buzz’ around our products.  Please provide your in-depth recommendations for two digital marketing tactics that we should undertake as our top priorities for effective short-term results, together with your justification of these choices.  These might include website development, using any of the various content marketing channels, and/or digital advertising.  The Board are looking for specific, detailed ideas and examples for each tactic.

  1. Fiscal Oversight: Finally, the Board is very concerned with appropriate fiscal oversight.  We realise the importance of Google Analytics reports in determining which of our digital marketing activities are effective and which might need to be modified or even discontinued.

    Please list four KPIs that would help to evaluate your previous recommendations, describe how you would report on them using Google Analytics, and the insights that each one could provide.

Notes for Students:


Please remember to fully explain and justify all recommendations that you make.  Include details and examples, and evidence of research undertaken, with illustrations such as screenshots or data as you see fit.  Provide definitions for any technical terms that someone unfamiliar with digital marketing might not immediately understand.


All students must adopt a report format as described below, and in the following order:

  1. Cover Page of your submission details in the normal style
  2. Executive Summary

o   (a summary of your key findings, and recommendations)

  1. Market Opportunity
  2. Persona Research
  3. Short Term Market Impact Tactics
  4. Fiscal Oversight
  5. Appendices (If you require them)

Plan your work to ensure that you are covering each section of your report adequately.

Consider introducing charts, images etc. if you believe that they would benefit your client’s understanding of your report.

Format Specifications

Font: Arial 12 point, Spacing: 1.5
Length: 3,000 words +/- 10% (+ a maximum addition of 2 pages of appendices)
Accurately cite all sources using Harvard style referencing (use footnotes)

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