Define A Comprehensive Acceptable Use Policy

A)  Richman Investments requires the enforcement of strict ingress-egress filtering policies for network traffic. Certain traffic is expressly forbidden:

  •   No peer-to-peer file sharing or externally reachable file transfer protocol (FTP) servers
  •   No downloading executables from known software sites
  •   No unauthorized redistribution of licensed or copyrighted material
  •   No exporting internal software or technical material in violation of export control laws
  •   No introduction of malicious programs into networks or onto systems
  •   No accessing unauthorized internal resources or information from external sources
  •   No port scanning or data interception on the network
  •   No denying service or circumventing authentication to legitimate users
  •   No using programs, scripts, or commands to interfere with other network users
  •   No sending unsolicited email messages or junk mail to company recipients
  •   No accessing adult content from company resources
  •   No remote connections from systems failing to meet minimum security requirements

Building on the Internet and email use policy you created for Richman in a previous assignment, define a LAN-to-WAN, Internet, and web surfing AUP that restricts usage of the company’s Internet connection and permits the company to monitor usage of the corporate Internet connection. Carefully evaluate the implications of the policy and how implementations might impact the IT infrastructure, both positively and negatively. Weigh the benefits and the disadvantages of each method. Consider whether or not a proposed solution causes an interruption to legitimate users and how it might enhance security at the expense of preventing a perfectly legitimate activity.

Required Resources

Internet access

Submission Requirements
  •   Format: Microsoft Word or compatible
  •   Font: Times New Romans 12-point, double-spaced
  •   Citation Style: APA
  •   Length: 1–2 pages
Self-Assessment Checklist
  •   I defined an effective LAN-to-WAN, Internet, and web surfing AUP.
  •   I evaluated the implications of the policy.
  •   I carefully considered the benefits and disadvantages of each policy enforcement control.
  •   I proposed strong ideas for acceptable and unacceptable resource usage.
  •   I followed the submission guidelines.

B)   Enhance an Existing IT Security Policy Framework


Learning Objectives and Outcomes

§  Research standards.

§  Write a remote access standard.

§  Describe how procedures and guidelines fit within an IT security policy framework.

Assignment Requirements

You will receive the text sheet entitled “Existing IT Security Policy Framework.” It contains a scenario and an illustration of a portion of a company’s security policy framework. After studying the text sheet, complete the following tasks:

1.  Research remote access standards on the Internet. For the given scenario, write a draft Remote Access Standard that will reduce the occurrence of risks, threats, and vulnerabilities in the Remote Access Domain of an IT infrastructure. Include the minimum remote computer configurations, the use of anti-malware software, and the secure virtual private network (VPN) access in the Remote Access Standard.

2.  Indicate the names of procedures or guidelines you would add under the Remote Access Standard.

Required Resources
  • Text sheet: Existing IT Security Policy Framework (ts_policyframework)
  • Internet access
Submission Requirements
  • Format: Microsoft Word or compatible
  • Font: Times New Romans  12-point, double-spaced
  • Citation Style: APA
  • Length: 1–2 pages
Self-Assessment Checklist
  • I wrote an appropriate Remote Access Standard, which includes the minimum remote computer configurations, the use of anti-malware software, and the secure VPN access.
  • I included the names of at least two procedures or guidelines that would appear under the Remote Access Standard in the framework.
  • I followed the submission guidelines.

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