Concept Analysis In The Nursing Field

I need an essay where we are given to choose a concept and develop it with the specifications given below. I also attach an example to serve as a guide. I chose HEALTH.

Role of ConceptHealth


Using APA style, write a paper (no less than 6 pages, plus a cover page and reference page) explaining the role of Concept Analysis in the Nursing field and its integration in the practice of nursing. Avoid plagiarism by submitting your work to SafeAssign.

Elements to evaluate:

I- Title and Introduction-Present a summary

II- Presents the concept to be analyzed.

– Determine the purpose of the analysis

-Identifying a model case

-Identifying Borderline

– Identify all uses of the concept

A) – Presents all possible definitions

B) – Use all possible disciplines

– Determine the attributes of the concept

– Build a model case

– Build a similar case

– Build an opposite case

– Identify the antecedents and consequences

– Indicates the empirical methods that can be used to measure the concept

III- Use APA style 7 guidelines

Includes list of references using APA style 7

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