Complementary And Alternative Health Week 2

The term Curanderismo originates from the Spanish word curar which means “to heal.” A Curandero is a traditional native healer that uses folk remedies. Hence, Curanderismo is not often recognized as a remarkable input to health care by Western medicine due to the dominance of biomedicine (Tafur et al, 2009). However, the use of herbs and midwifery are among the practices that are somewhat validated. Unquestionably, Curanderismo practices are most of the time seen by Western culture as irrational and superstitious occult practices (Koss-Chioino, 2006).

Additionally; these negative perceptions usually come from social stigmatization of the people who practice Curanderismo, due to being part of an ethnic minority group, coming from low socioeconomic backgrounds, as well as emigrated from rural areas. (Koss-Chioino, 2006). On the other hand; the concept of personalismo, which is the inclination of trusting people instead of trusting institutions or organizations, is very common within the Latino community. Undoubtedly, nurses should take an active role in the healthcare experience of their patients.

The majority of Latinos that integrate herbal remedies into their medical regimen fail to communicate this practice with their providers not only due to language barriers, but also due to fear of being scolded by their providers due to the provider’s disinclination to believe in this type of practice. Hence, if patients do share their folk healing practices, health care providers should evade skeptical reactions and instead use this interaction as a possibility to build a relationship with the patient. In conclusion, nurses should start to perceive culture diversity as normal because failure by nurses and healthcare practitioners to respect and value the patients desire to use his or her cultural folk healing practices may result in obstacles for treatment.

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