Community Teaching Plan

1) Minimum 1 Poster Presentation and minimum 8 full pages- Not words

Part 1: Minimum 1 Poster Presentation in PPT and 5 pages

Part 2: 3 pages

Submit 1 document per part

2)¨******APA norms

All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraphs

Bulleted responses are not accepted

Dont write in the first person

Dont copy and pase the questions.

Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph

Submit 1 document per part

3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

4) Minimum 7 references per part not older than 5 years

5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question.


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX

6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering:


Part 1.doc

Part 2.doc


Part 1:

You must demonstrate empathic writing to develop the points. The titles are points 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Its writing should be fluid as an essay addressing the items of each point.


Place: The palace at home

Location: Miami

Population: Elderly

Attention focus: Problem Focused

Problem: Hypertension

Guide for Poster Presentation:

Avoid using text more than for headlines. Use icons, stickers, images……. You should address the following items to educate an older population about hypertension:

1. 3 Risk factors (For example, hereditary hypertension)

2. 3 Protective factors (For example, exercise)

3. 3 prevention mechanisms (For example, low salt diet)

4. 3 Control mechanisms (For example, medical controls)

5. Education: secondary and primary hypertension

6. Signs and symptoms

Guide for the paper:

Suppose that you have already done the pedagogical process in the institution mentioned above using the poster that you designed, now in the paper reflect your experiences as a nurse educator.

1) Summary of teaching plan

a. The nurse used a Poster Presentation to inform the elderly about the prevention Hypertension:

– Mention the advantages of the presentation poster and why it was selected

b. Mention the importance of teaching elders about the prevention of Hypertension.

c. Mention the objective of educating the elderly about the prevention of Hypertension.

d. Mention why this population should be the teaching focus of the nurse

2) Epidemiological rationale for topic

Hypertension in the elderly

3) Evaluation of teaching experience

a. Mention how you felt doing this education process for this community.

b. Evaluate your performance as a nurse to address the issue

c. Consider improvement opportunities for future activities

4) Community response to teaching

The population responded positively, were participatory and addressed the issue based on their experiences.

5) Areas of strengths and areas of improvement

You must demonstrate empathic writing to develop the points. The titles are points 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Its writing should be fluid as an essay addressing the items of each point.

Part 2 :

1 page: As you finish this course, your philosophy of nursing has probably changed.

1. As a final review, polish your philosophy of nursing (See file Personal nursing philosophy) based on your newly acquired knowledge.

2 pages: Write a summary reflection answering the following questions based on the readings and discussions throughout the course:

1. As an art and a science, how has your personal nursing philosophy unfolded?

2. Have there been ideas that have challenged your personal values or assumptions?

3. Have there been ideas that have caused you personal conflict and may lead to deconstructing those dispositions in a critical manner?

4. What actions have you taken that illustrate your personal nursing philosophy?

5. Describe your own definition of the concepts involving the meta-paradigm of nursing.

6. Has your first written philosophy of nursing changed? In what ways?

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