
The paper has to be 5 full pages (Excluding the Title page, Abstract, and References) a total of 8 pages The paper is divided as follows: A) The title of the paper B) The Abstract C) What is the specific disorder (Page One) D) Nursing assessments for the specific concept (Page Two) E) Patient problems/nursing diagnosis related to the specific concept (at least 3 Nursing diagnoses)(Page Three) F) Specific, realistic, and measurable goals attributed to the patient care of the specific concept (Page Four) G) Nursing interventions for patient care of the specific concept (Page Five) H) References PAPER MUST BE IN (APA FORMAT 7 EDITION) The paper must NOT have any plagiarism The paper must NOT have repetitive paragraphs The paper must NOT have more than two citations total Must use three reputable sources, NOT Google, and only websites allowed are the American Nursing Journal and American Cancer Society. Must be articles written/published within the past 5 years The paper must have good spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Each subject talked about must be a complete page of the paper

But its a total of eight pages

the body is 5 pages

please fallow all instructions

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