cause marketing


1. Conduct research on:

 Cause marketing

 Socially responsible marketing

 Corporate social responsibility

2. Choose one company (Canadian or international) that engages in cause marketing

3. For this company:

 Indicate what group(s) benefits from the cause marketing efforts of the company (2 marks)

 Indicate what target market / demographic their cause marketing activities are aimed at (2 marks)

 Fully describe what their cause marketing activities are, including frequency, location, approach, partnerships, tactics, etc. (4 marks)

 Indicate the benefits the company derives or expects to derive from their efforts, including benefits to (as appropriate) (4 marks):

4. Suggest why you feel the group(s) that benefits from the cause marketing efforts of the company is or is not an appropriate choice for this particular company (4 marks)

5. Suggest what additional activities this company might engage in to further support its intended beneficiary group(s) (4 marks)


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cause marketing


1. Conduct research on:

 Cause marketing

 Socially responsible marketing

 Corporate social responsibility

2. Choose one company (Canadian or international) that engages in cause marketing

3. For this company:

 Indicate what group(s) benefits from the cause marketing efforts of the company (2 marks)

 Indicate what target market / demographic their cause marketing activities are aimed at (2 marks)

 Fully describe what their cause marketing activities are, including frequency, location, approach, partnerships, tactics, etc. (4 marks)

 Indicate the benefits the company derives or expects to derive from their efforts, including benefits to (as appropriate) (4 marks):

4. Suggest why you feel the group(s) that benefits from the cause marketing efforts of the company is or is not an appropriate choice for this particular company (4 marks)

5. Suggest what additional activities this company might engage in to further support its intended beneficiary group(s) (4 marks)


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