Case Study, Mohr CHAPTER 17, Integrative Therapies

Case Study, Mohr

CHAPTER 17, Integrative Therapies

In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objective:

Construct a list of complementary and alternative therapies used to treat specific psychiatric–mental health conditions.

  • Marjorie Alin has been diagnosed with major depression and has recently been placed on antidepressants. Marjorie uses herbal medication and has always been interested in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). She asks the nurse practitioner what CAM therapies might be effective for depression.

(Learning Objective: 4)

a. Develop an educational handout for Ms. Alin listing the CAM therapies that might be helpful with the treatment of depression and providing a description of how the therapy might be beneficial.

b. What CAM therapy might be harmful for an individual with depression being treated with antidepressants? Why?

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Case Study, Mohr CHAPTER 17, Integrative Therapies

Case Study, Mohr

CHAPTER 17, Integrative Therapies

In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objective:

Construct a list of complementary and alternative therapies used to treat specific psychiatric–mental health conditions.

Marjorie Alin has been diagnosed with major depression and has recently been placed on antidepressants. Marjorie uses herbal medication and has always been interested in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). She asks the nurse practitioner what CAM therapies might be effective for depression.
(Learning Objective: 4)

a. Develop an educational handout for Ms. Alin listing the CAM therapies that might be helpful with the treatment of depression and providing a description of how the therapy might be beneficial.

b. What CAM therapy might be harmful for an individual with depression being treated with antidepressants? Why?

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