C Programming Assignment


This program is similar to programming assignment #4. That is, you will have all of the requirements as in Programming Assignment #4, including data error checking on all inputs.

Your program is to behave in the exact same manner as assignment #4, however how you structure your code is a different story.

Now we will use functions.

Recall Programming Assignment #4:

Write a C program that allows the user to make some simple banking transactions. The

program should first prompt the user to enter the current balance of his/her bank account (in

dollars and cents, not less than zero). The program should then prompt the user to enter the

number of withdrawals to make, and then the number of deposits to make. For this

assignment, let’s set a maximum of 5 deposits and 5 withdrawals (etc.)

Here is the change for program #5:

There should be at least two non-trivial functions in the program. (Non-trivial means that the function does more than simply print a line of text.)

Here are some examples of what you might want to use for your functions:

Input functions:

1. Obtain opening (current) balance. 2. Obtain number the number of deposits. 3. Obtain number of withdrawals. 4. Obtain deposit amounts. 5. Obtain withdrawal amounts.

Output functions:

1. Display closing balance and associated message. 2. Display message based on closing balance. 3. Display bank record.

Hints: Your code from assignment #4 does not need to be modified too much to solve this problem. The algorithm is the same. Outputting the contents of the arrays in “record form” is pretty straightforward, and should be done in a loop. (This could be a good place for a function.)

The most complicated of the above functions is the one which would display the bank record. If you decide that you want to attempt this one, I will give you a head start by providing the function header as shown here:

void (display_bank_record (float start_balance, float deposits [ ], int num_deposits, float withdrawals [ ], int num_withdrawals, float end_balance)

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