Blue Ocean Opportunity Report


MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS Blue Ocean Opportunity Report (Due in Unit Six): Written Paper: Each student will write a 12 – 15 page report detailing a Blue Ocean opportunity within a selected product category. Note: Students in the Health Care MBA should choose a product specific to health care. This written report must include the following: Introduction to product concept Current state of the industry Evidence of interest (Online survey) Value innovation Four actions framework Strategic canvas Three characteristics of a good strategy Reach beyond existing demand Buyer utility map Source data, i.e., reference page

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Blue Ocean Opportunity Report


MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS Blue Ocean Opportunity Report (Due in Unit Six): Written Paper: Each student will write a 12 – 15 page report detailing a Blue Ocean opportunity within a selected product category. Note: Students in the Health Care MBA should choose a product specific to health care. This written report must include the following: Introduction to product concept Current state of the industry Evidence of interest (Online survey) Value innovation Four actions framework Strategic canvas Three characteristics of a good strategy Reach beyond existing demand Buyer utility map Source data, i.e., reference page

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