Attracting Talent Across the Generations

 Attracting Talent Across the Generations

Reflect on what you have learned about the different generations in the workplace (Chapter 6).  How is the modern workforce different from that of the past?  What should employers consider about compensation and benefits for successful recruitment of talented Gen Xers and millennials?  What do millennials need to consider to get the compensation and benefits package they want?

Guided Response: Use at least two sources in addition to the course text.  Explain your response in 200-300 words and respond to at least two classmates’ posts.


Respond to Jennifer Stewart

How is the modern workforce different from that of the past?

The modern workforce is different from the past because there is more significant diversity in our culture and workplace. The progression of technology and globalization also affect the workplace and how we interact. The difference in generations that are in the workforce, as people are not retiring at 65 anymore. The difference if “Each generation brings its life stage, communication preferences, priorities, and more.” (The Center for Generation Kinetics, 2015, Para 1).  It is possible for different generations to work together but I think there needs to be training so they can all be on the same page.

  What should employers consider about compensation and benefits for successful recruitment of talented Gen Xers and millennials? 

The employers should take into consideration that Gen Xers want to be seen as individuals and acknowledgment for what they contribute to the organization. “They will actively seek out companies that provide them with these rewards, but perhaps surprisingly, if this generation has their needs met by their current organization, they will tend to remain loyal to the firm that employs them” (Weathington, Weathington,2016, Chap 6.1).  With technology changing so often both Gen Xers and Millennials have an advantage of using technology to help do their jobs and often use their smartphones, email, and other social networks to do so.

What do millennials need to consider to get the compensation and benefits package they want?

I am right in between being a Gen Xers and Millennial, but I believe that Millennials need to consider changing their work ethic. There are a lot of millennial that feel entitled and are not giving their best in the work environment. Taking the necessary training, meeting the requirements of the company, having their work ethic prove they can get the benefit packages and compensations available to them.

The Center for Generational Kinetics. (2015). Five Generations of Employees in Today’s Workforce. Retrieved from

Weathington, B. L. & Weathington, J. G. (2016). Compensation and benefits: Aligning rewards with strategy. Bridgepoint Education, Inc.



Respond to Francisco Santos

Reflecting on what I have learned about the different generations in the workplace, the modern workplace is different from that of the past because the workplace “today is changing at a faster pace and during a shorter amount of time than ever before” (Weathington & Weathington, 2016, Section 6.1).  In addition, “people are living longer so “the need to work longer has increased” (Weathington & Weathington, 2016, Section 6.1).  This is causing several people from multiple generations to have to work together to accomplish organizational goals.  The generations most commonly found in society are “the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, or Generation Y, and Generation Z” (Weathington & Weathington, 2016, Section 6.1).  Employers should be aware that “generational differences in the workplace can present potential benefits and challenges for organizations, particularly for managers and supervisors” (Clark, 2017, p. 384).

What employers should consider about compensation and benefits for the successful recruitment of Gen Xers and millennials is that these two generations are motivated by different things.  Gen Xers “have many years of work experience and generally enjoy the benefits of that experience and knowledge in the form of solid compensation levels” (Weathington & Weathington, 2016, Section 6.1).  I fall under this generation and I would have to agree that our text accurately does an excellent job of describing it. Gen Xers like myself are most likely to demand a “work-life balance” due to the need to having time for their kids and significant others.  Employers that recognize the importance of the requirement of the Gen Xers to have balance will need to accommodate a flexible work schedule.  Speaking from a personal standpoint, I would not take a job that forced me to miss my child’s athletic games or required me to work more than 8 hours a day.

The millennial generation “strives to connect with the “why”, popularizing numerous books, videos, and programs aimed at connecting individuals with the meaning that underlies choices and more deeply connects Millennials with the work they do” (Maiers, 2017, p. 213).  An employer of today would need to pay careful attention to the fact that for millennials, “Technology, particularly as a communication tool, is an intimate part of everyday life” (Maiers, 2017, p. 214).  In other words, it can be expected that a millennial will require them to use their cell phones throughout the day while on the job.  Millennials also are part of a social life that often “blurs the lines between work and play” (Weathington & Weathington, 2016, Section 6.1).  They tend to flourish when they can network with co-workers in and outside of work.  An employer that does not utilize technology or social networking to accomplish their projects, a millennial may not be interested in applying for a position.  This may cause the employer to miss out on potentially valuable contributors to the organization’s goals.

Millennials should consider to get the compensation and benefits package that they want from an employer is “economic prospects for the Millennials have declined” (Weathington & Weathington, 2016, Section 6.1).  Many millennials are struggling to find work because they feel that being unemployed and living with their parents is better than “having a job that is below the person’s qualifications and skills” (Weathington & Weathington, 2016, Section 6.1).   A millennial must not feel as if they are entitled to higher pay because they have a college degree.  They must accept the fact that they will have to work their way up and earn promotions through performance and experience.  In recent times, there has been “dramatic increases in the number of this generation living with their parents” (Weathington & Weathington, 2016, Section 6.1).

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