ATM system


We are going to use a factory to generate users for the ATM system. There are four types of users of the ATM (Sales, Service, Admins, and Customers). Every user has an ID (ID’s are assigned in order), a First Name, a Last Name, and a 4 Digit PIN. Sales people have a rank, in the order, they are assistant, associate, full, senior and executive. Service personnel have a rank, technician, technologist, and engineer. System administrators have no rank. Customers, have an account type, Business, Chequing account, savings account and an account balance. Each type of user should be created with a ‘createUser’ method.

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ATM system


We are going to use a factory to generate users for the ATM system. There are four types of users of the ATM (Sales, Service, Admins, and Customers). Every user has an ID (ID’s are assigned in order), a First Name, a Last Name, and a 4 Digit PIN. Sales people have a rank, in the order, they are assistant, associate, full, senior and executive. Service personnel have a rank, technician, technologist, and engineer. System administrators have no rank. Customers, have an account type, Business, Chequing account, savings account and an account balance. Each type of user should be created with a ‘createUser’ method.

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