Assignment Instructions

Assignment Instructions

The Scenario:

Frederick Jackson, one of the owners of Sports Gear, believes it is important to stress sports safety. He wants his sales associates to emphasize sports protective gear—such as helmets, padding, and cups—that is available in the retail store.

For this assignment, you will need the following files:

  • Sports_Gear  protection
  • Gear_Presentation

You will save your files as:

  • Lastname_Firstname_Sports_Gear
  • Lastname_Firstname_Gear_Presentation
  1. Open the Sports_Gear_Protection  file, and save it as Lastname_Firstname_Sports_Gear
  2. In the worksheet, adjust column widths so that all data displays.
  3. Apply a style to the titles
  4. Set the titles to repeat on all printed pages.
  5. Create a chart on a new sheet.
  6. Format the chart, using a chart layout and chart style.
  7. Rename the sheets containing data.
  8. Insert the your name in the footer of all worksheets.
  9. Open the file Gear_Presentation, and save the presentation as Lastname_Firstname_Gear_Presentation
  10. Apply a design theme and variant, and then add appropriate titles to the slides.
  11. On Slide 2, convert the bulleted list to a SmartArt object, and apply formatting.
  12. Insert a blank slide after Slide 2, and paste the Excel chart as a link.
  13. Insert a shape on one of the slides and modify the shape with at least two effects.
  14. Insert appropriate text in the shape and create a hyperlink to the Excel workbook.
  15. Add a slide transition to all slides.
  16. In the Excel worksheet, add a hyperlink to the presentation.
  17. In both files, add your name in the footer.

Upload the complete midterm project in Assignment area.

  • Grading: Please review the rubrics for particulars.

Grading Rubrics

Performance Level






Performance Element

Your completed project is of Professional Quality if you:

Your completed project is almost of Professional Quality if you:

Your completed project is Approaching Professional Quality if you:

Your completed project Needs Quality Improvements if you:



Choose and apply the most appropriate skills, tools, and features and identify efficient methods to solve the problem.

Sometimes choose and apply appropriate skills, tools, and features and identify efficient methods to solve the problem.

Choose and apply some appropriate skills, tools, and features, but not in the most efficient manner.

Choose inappropriate skills, tools, or features, or are inefficient in solving the problem.

Exemplary 10

Accomplished 7-9

Developing 4-6

Beginning 0-3



Construct a solution that is clear and well organized, contains content that is accurate, appropriate to the audience and purpose, and is complete. Provide a solution that contains no errors of spelling, grammar, or style.

Sometimes construct a solution that is clear and well organized, mostly contains content that is accurate, appropriate to the audience and purpose, and is complete. Sometimes provide a solution that contains no errors of spelling, grammar, or style.

Construct a solution in which some components are unclear, poorly organized, inconsistent, or incomplete. Misjudge the needs of the audience. Have some errors in spelling, grammar, or style, but the errors do not detract from comprehension.

Construct a solution that is unclear, incomplete, or poorly organized; contains some inaccurate or inappropriate content; and contains many errors of spelling, grammar, or style. Do not solve the problem.

Exemplary 10

Accomplished 7-9

Developing 4-6

Beginning 0-3


3-Format and

Format and arrange all elements to communicate information and ideas, clarify function, illustrate relationships, and indicate relative importance.

Sometimes format and arrange all elements to communicate information and ideas, clarify function, illustrate relationships, and indicate relative importance.

Apply appropriate format and layout features to some elements, but not others. Overuse features, causing minor distraction.

Apply format and layout that does not communicate information or ideas clearly. Do not use format and layout features to clarify function, illustrate relationships, or indicate relative importance. Use available features excessively, causing distraction.

Exemplary 10

Accomplished 7-9

Developing 4-6

Beginning 0-3



Use an organized approach that integrates planning, development, self-assessment, revision, and reflection.

Demonstrate an organized approach in some areas, but not others; or, use an insufficient process of organization throughout.

Do not use an organized approach to solve the problem.

Supporting Materials Below

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