
150 words with one APA formatted reference

Court Decisions and Nursing Actions

For this discussion, select one of the nursing practice issues involved in caring for psychiatric or other vulnerable patients listed below:

  • Suicide.
  • Intent to harm.
  • Failure to protect.
  • False imprisonment or wrongful commitment.
  • Level of care.
  • Confidentiality of mentally ill patients.

Provide insights that concisely address the following:

  • The court decisions that have defined the nursing practices of your selected issue.
  • The nursing principles underlying court decisions and how they have been translated into nursing actions.
  • The court decisions’ impacts, both negative and positive, on the health of a specific vulnerable population.

Your initial post is to be about 150 words, referenced with at least one APA formatted reference.

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Assignment 3

Assignment Instructions

There are 2 parts to this week’s assignment.
Download the attached instruction details.
The objective is to perform the same tasks; first, by issuing SQL commands, and then by using MS Access (use the graphical interface to perform the tasks).
Part A SQL (70%); by following the detailed instructions you will Create a table, Insert data into that table, and use Select commands to select and display data from the table.
Submit one Word document, which includes the text of the SQL commands, and screen captures of the commands along with the Web site’s feedback.
Part B MS Access (30%): use MS Access to create the same tables, load the same content and perform the same Queries.
The MS Access database is submitted.
Two files will be submitted – a word document for Part A and an Access database for Part B.


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