Please answer the following Discussion Question. Please be certain to answer the three questions on this week DQ and to provide a well-developed and complete answer to receive credit.

Case Study, Chapter 10, Mandatory Minimum Staffing Ratios

A nurse manager is attending a national convention and is attending a concurrent session on staffing ratios. Minimum staffing ratios are being discussed in the nurse manager’s own state. The nurse manager has a number of questions about staffing ratios that the session is covering. The nurse manager knows that evidence exists that increasing the number of RNs in the staffing mix leads to safer workplaces for nurses and higher quality of care for patients.

1. What are the three general approaches recommended by the American Nurses Association (2017) to maintain sufficient staffing?

2. Should LPNs be counted to meet minimum mandatory staffing ratios?

3. Analyze what proponents and critics say about whether mandatory minimum staffing ratios are needed.

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