Psychology assignment

Make reply with 200 words in two answers to your peers with one reference.


Janelly Perez

.MSN5270: Advanced Theoretical Perspectives for Nursing

January 24, 2023

Learning student outcome: How nurse can promote parents’ attachment.

In terms of attachment theory, a nurse would attempt to stimulate certain behaviors from parents to help promote healthy attachment. This can include providing support and guidance to help foster secure attachments between parent and child. The nurse may suggest activities that encourage nurturing or physical contact such as cuddling or eye contact. They can also act as a coach for the parent, offering encouragement and reassurance when needed. Additionally, the nurse may focus on helping to maintain consistent routines for both parent and child to help create structure and predictability in the relationship. The nurse might recommend positive parenting techniques such as praising positive behavior or redirecting negative behaviors in a constructive way. They could also provide resources for parents, such as evidence-based information about infant development, parenting approaches, and stress management strategies. In addition, they may suggest ways for parents to give their children opportunities to practice independence while still keeping them safe – like providing supervised playtime with friends or allowing them to take on age-appropriate responsibilities at home. Ultimately, the aim is to provide an environment where both parents and children feel seen, heard, respected, and safe – creating a secure base that will foster healthier attachments over time.

Based on the theory of attachment, a nurse would attempt to stimulate certain behaviors in order to promote healthy attachment and bonding between a parent and their child. Promoting positive behaviors such as physical contact, eye contact, listening, and responding to the child’s needs can help build secure attachments. Additionally, providing opportunities for parents to communicate their love, affection, and appreciation for their child can also be beneficial in establishing strong attachment bonds. Other strategies that may be used include modeling healthy behaviors through verbal guidance and active engagement with the child. The nurse should also work diligently to provide support to both the parent and child in order to ensure all parties feel secure and connected. Furthermore, it is important that the nurse builds trust with both parties while taking time to explain the importance of attachment and how it will benefit them long-term. Overall, by stimulating these various types of positive behavior, a nurse is more likely able to help build healthy attachments between parents and children which will ultimately lead to better physical health outcomes in addition to emotional well-being.

Besides, nurses working with parents to promote healthy attachment behaviors would focus on helping parents create a secure environment for their children. They could do this by helping them develop appropriate communication strategies and bonding activities with their children. Additionally, they could encourage the development of positive self-esteem and foster resilience by providing guidance in problem-solving and promoting independence. Furthermore, nurses could guide parents in encouraging autonomy and respect for their children’s boundaries and privacy. Finally, nurses could help parents provide structure for their children’s lives by providing consistency in expectations and discipline. Overall, nurses can help facilitate healthy attachment between parents and children through these various strategies which will ultimately benefit both parties involved.


Ali, E., Letourneau, N., & Benzies, K. (2021, June 16). Parent-child attachment: A principle-based concept analysis. SAGE open nursing. Retrieved January 24, 2023, from



Student’s name: Yaimi Quintana Marrero

Course: MSN 5270 Advanced Theoretical Perspectives for Nursing

Date: January. 25, 2023

I believe the theory of attachment suggests that the bond between a caregiver and an infant, including their parent, is a strong biological need essential for survival, development, and well-being throughout their life. It is the foundation for forming relationships with others, developing self-regulation skills, and a general sense of security and trust. It makes sense that nurses would strive to promote healthy attachment when working with parents.

I think nurses may employ a few different strategies to promote healthy attachment with parents. Firstly, they want to ensure that parents are engaging with their infants. It could include eye contact, speaking softly or cooing, rocking, and cuddling. In my view, these behaviors offer the infant comfort and security and help reaffirm the bond between parent and child. Nurses should also encourage skin-to-skin contact. This approach is essential for newborns, as it helps to regulate the infant’s body temperature and promote bonding.

In addition to promoting physical interaction, I believe nurses should also strive to encourage healthy verbal interaction. It includes speaking kindly to the infant and engaging in conversations, answering the infant’s cries, and using positive reinforcement. Nurses should also point out any positive behaviors from the parent and encourage them to keep it up. I also believe If a parent is struggling with providing vocal and physical comfort, nurses should guide the parent and offer alternative strategies to build a stronger bond with the infant.

Nurses can further promote health attachment by helping parents to understand their infant’s cues and respond in a way that reinforces their connection. I think nurses can do it through modeling, teaching, and providing resources. For instance, nurses could demonstrate how to interpret infant cries and other behaviors so that the parent knows which cues to interpret as hunger, tiredness, or pain. In my view, nurses should also support parents in understanding how to respond to the infant’s cues and provide guidance on providing the best comfort.

Lastly, I believe nurses should be aware of the types of attachment styles that exist and should be aware of some of the signs of unhealthy attachment. Unhealthy attachment can include withdrawal episodes, a lack of responsiveness, and inconsistent response. Nurses should be attentive to these signals and respond accordingly, providing reassurance to the parent and additional support.

In a nutshell, I think nurses have a crucial role in helping to promote healthy attachment in parents and infants. Nurses can foster a strong bond between parent and child by engaging in physical and verbal interaction, helping to interpret cues and understand responses, and providing support to the parent. This bond is essential for both parties’ physical, social, and emotional well-being and is a strong foundation for future relationships.


Bosmans, G., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., Vervliet, B., Verhees, M. W., & van IJzendoorn, M. H. (2020). A learning theory of attachment: Unraveling the black box of attachment development.  Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews,  113, 287-298.

Dadds, M. R., & Tully, L. A. (2019). What is it to discipline a child: What should it be? A reanalysis of time-out from the perspective of child mental health, attachment, and trauma.  American Psychologist,  74(7), 794.

Levy, K. N., & Johnson, B. N. (2019). Attachment and psychotherapy: Implications from empirical research.  Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne,  60(3), 178.

Toth, S. L., & Manly, J. T. (2019). Developmental consequences of child abuse and neglect: Implications for intervention.  Child Development Perspectives,  13(1), 59-64.


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